Queue start and stop?

Is there a way to queue stop/start of a track, so that it starts and stops at the beginning/end of the bar? ie, as in Ableton when you start and stop a clip, it is synced to the beat or bar. At the moment, I'm either just enabling or disabling the track, or muting/unmuting it. But I don't think that's the correct way to do it?


  • With the clip launching capabilities coming in the next release this is an option.

  • edited February 2022

    This might help. The Graphic Modulator generates a rising edge at the start of every bar. (There is no input to the GM except the clock.) The Button is your control. The Counter works as a Set/Reset flip-flop. It is reset every bar by the GM. The Counter output is ORed with the button. Use the OR output to control what you want. When you press the Button, the OR output rises. When you release the Button, it sets the flip-flop, which remains set until the start of the next bar. Note that Negate is the Logic Negate operator. Basically, the flip-flop extends the Button On time until the next bar. Naturally, this only works when the transport is running.

    Edit: I missed your requirement for delayed start as well. That probably requires more similar logic, only inverted, or maybe just some clever gating.

  • That sounds very exciting! I guess everyone can't wait until the next release! 🙂

  • This is insane, will need to get my head around it. Very new to Drambo, so it's all very confusing for me at the moment. Definitely keen to learn though! This is what I have after following your instructions, but I think I might be doing something wrong, as there is no sound. If I change the output to the "midi to cv" module, then I get sound but the switch doesn't work as expected? 🤔

  • edited February 2022

    You need to change the graphic in the GM so it looks like mine. Just tap on the graphic to get an enlarged editor drag the points to create the pulse at the beginning. You can enable Snap to Grid and adjust the number of grid steps to make it really easy. Note that my logic just provides an overall gate signal, True while the button is set, held until the next bar after the button is released. To use it to trigger a sound you'd need to AND it with the proper tirgger signal, maybe from the MIDI to CV.

    But, I've got the delayed start and stop now. Another counter (SET DELAY) holds the switch On until the next bar starts, then is reset by the falling edge of the bar pulse from the GM. That counter is ANDed with the pulse and sets the second counter (RUN FF). The NOT of the switch is ANDed with the bar pulse and resets the RUN FF. Use the output of the RUN FF to control whatever. It is set at the first bar after switch On, and reset at the first bar after switch Off. It can be confused if you triple-tap the switch. Preventing that would require a lot more logic; just don't do it. This is still just an overall gate signal, True from the first bar after setting the Switch until the first bar after clearing the Switch.

    Edit: I added the following, and it works as expected. The gate from MIDI to CV is anded with the RUN FF output and used to gate the AN Kick. It plays and stops as expected.

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