P-locking a p-lock?

edited December 2020 in Feature Wish-lists

Disclaimer: this explanation may get a bit messy.

Suppose that you make a 'phrase' of p-locked notes in a given pattern. The p-locks in this phrase are primarily messing around with the cutoff and decay values of a synth. For the next pattern, you want this same phrase, only with the cutoff opened slightly more and the decay slightly longer across multiple steps or the entire pattern. In essence, you'd be applying a percent-change to the original p-lock values. Changing the 'cutoff' of the 'cutoff' and changing the 'decay' of the 'decay'. Like a tertiary P-lock of sorts.

If I try to accomplish this with a morph, the original p-locked notes remain unaffected by the slider--they return their initial value. It's like the P-lock overrides the morph.

Right now if I want to do this, I have to individually edit every p-locked note and increase the parameters by a certain amount. Is this explanation too cryptic or does it make sense?

Also wanted to say thanks @giku for the work you've done on Drambo. It's a monumental piece of software and quickly dethroned Ableton for me. Incredibly fun to use and incredibly deep. I proselytize wherever I can--recommended it to Richard D James a month or two ago :^)


  • +1

    Octatrack style Scene/plock heirarchy is on the list :).

  • edited February 2021

    By that, do you mean a function like [Function]+[Cue] to reload a project in its original state as in the Elektron Octatrack? If so, that will be great.

  • I think ‘pattern’/‘clip’ locks has been discussed as well.

  • edited February 2021

    There is “change scenes - p-lock priority” on the roadmap, but not seeing “p-locking a p-lock” function atm... maybe later?

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