Ea Velocity Humanizer


This is my first contribution and a really simple one, but I find it very useful so it might help someone.

My need came about while building realistic acoustic drumkits, where I use Flexis with slices mapped to velocity. There were a couple of things I wanted that the midi Humanizer module can’t provide outbox the box. So I added some functionality like a Vel limiter, and 2 modes: “general” and “max”.

  • Max Limiter: limits the velocity. Example use: some libraries have very harsh max vel sample you might want to avoid (I do).
  • General Mode: randomizes every note adding (or subtracting) according to the range value. Typical randomizer.
  • MaxHumnzr: this is the interesting case. When you input notes in Drambo they’re by default at 100 (max) vel. This mode only randomizes those max-value notes and leaves any note you specifically set velocity for intact. So in essence it ramdomizes only the “default” note values. If you specifically set a note velocity it won’t mess with that. Furthermore, it only “subtracts” from the 100 vel notes. I found the Humanizer Module doesn’t work too well with these max value default notes, as it seems to be bipolar. Therefore it often tries to add to an already max value, resulting in less randomization. This mode only substracts according to the range value. Works well in conjunction with the “MaxLimiter” range, you just input the notes on the seq and use that slider to globally set the vel range.

Its a midi rack, so just place it at the beginning or before your “Midi2CV”.

Ok, it’s not a Juno emulation or a granular mangler, but I do find these little utilities to be helpful to just drop and use.

here it is. Cheers!


  • Nice one. I love little utilities like this too. Gonna put this to good use on my hat patterns.


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