Infinite drones in Drambo?
Hey all, I’m fairly new to Drambo and having lots of fun with it. I decided to create an ambient track today with an infinite drone at its core. The pattern is a simple 16 steps, and I have all sorts of conditions on different tracks/steps to create randomness.
For the drone, I want it to trigger on step one and stay held forever unless I stop the sequencer, but I can’t quite figure out how to get there, or if that’s possible.
I tried setting a note on step one with the once only condition, which works, but even if I set the gate to infinite it enters the release/decay phase after beat 16.
The only thing that works is removing the amp envelope and just letting it ring. This works for a performance since I can just manually adjust volumes, but it’s clunky and blares as soon as I load the project.
Any ideas?
I’m sure there’s more than one way. But use the switch module, connect it as the gate for the amp envelope, and just p-lock on step one “switch on” (hold step one and tap the switch). It stays open for the duration of the pattern running.
Here's how I've helped myself a while ago, for the lack of a "Transport Status" module.
It's basically a lowpass filtered pulse train that will give you a positive gate signal as long as the transport is running.
Gate time and negative offset help to get a better gate signal.
The Clock Gen input is connected to the Track's Time Signal.
The OSC is just for testing, replace it with your drone source.
There’s so many ways to do this :) here’s my “clock running check”. It subtracts a very short delayed signal of the clock from the clock, takes an absolute/positive value from it, then checks to see if that signal is greater than zero. If it is, the function module outputs a value of 1.
having drones volume on scene x-fader is what I do (A silent - B some level of drone (for starters))
so its not "clunky and blares as soon as I load the project."
still not connected to transport status but works for me
if you have no scenes set up the button next to x fader is white
if u have set up a scene its orange ...
now lets get a little creative and open the filter too with the x fade in the same scene ...
you see where this is going
(if you modulate mixer volume with lfo
set lfo to x fader so you can still control the volume manually)
Thanks for the tips all, I have a lot to play with 😉
I ended up using this solution. Simple and elegant. Thanks!
Here's one more. Gate is high as long as transport is active.
Compare clock signal (A) to 0 (B). Add the function's logic output to a microdelayed copy of itself using OR.
You can get a 'transport stop' signal by routing/multing OR to a NEG module.
(This brings up a point. It would be useful if logic functions worked with just one input connected. The unconnected inputs should be 0 by default.)
I need this functionality as well. I'm used to simply toggling a switch on my circuit tracks for this and I find these creative workarounds mentioned here not as straightforward.
In the comp panel of the extended step sequence editor it's possible to set note gate to infinite though it seems. In my imagination it would be the most straightforward way if that actually worked to create infinitely held notes. It currently still seems to retrigger the note this is set on though.
Alternatively there could be another step component to do that.