Send note to controller to light up a button

I have this working using midi CCs but my Launchkey mini’s buttons only send note messages.

Any idea how I can boomerang a note back to the source?



  • edited December 2022

    If the note isn't mapped then you should be able to route

    the midi directly out to the Launchkey mini using the "Midi out" module.

    You could also use a midi note filter to make it more precise.

    I'm having an issue with this myself at the moment.

    I was able to route the midi in from my LP X directly back to the LP X

    to light up the notes but it's not doing it at the currently.

    I'm going to look into it and get back to you.

  • When the notes have been recorded in dRambo then it works for the LP X.


    It's something to do with the Gate length being sent in real time.

  • Ahhh.... it seems it's midi feedback happening.

  • Are you going to midi map the notes coming from the Launchkey???

  • edited December 2022

    Okay this is how I did it for the LC XL

    Here's the midi chart I used to get the note values.

  • Thanks. I had a quick try with your last suggestion but no dice.

    I’ll give it another try more calmly tomorrow but can’t help wondering whether the old launchkey uses the same system as LPX. Anyway. It’s been a busy day.

    Good night!

  • When you next try this send me the midi notes for

    the LaunchKey mini and I'll see what I can do this end.

    Good night to you too.

    On the morrow.

  • Here’s a Rack module with everything connected up and set to Midi Ch10

    which is the midi channel that the LaunchKey mini receives in regards to the pads.

    Input the midi notes using frequencies into the Buttons which you can find here for the midi notes

    and here for the frequencies.

  • I'm not sure why you need to introduce the note frequencies. Can't you just set the buttons to the MIDI note numbers, then scale them to Drambo's note scale? Is it because you want to press several buttons and light (or turn off) several lights?

  • The Buttons module only has value input not midi note input.

    Good point.

    F1 is "87.31" for instance which makes the 1st pad on the LC XL light up

    and so on and so forth for the rest of the pads on the LC XL and the same for the LP X

    and presumably for the LaunchKey mini as they are from the same manufacturers.

    You can find these numbers for the frequencies on the midi chart link.

    So if you need to light up a pad with the midi note E3 then input 164.81

    Here's the routing;

    "Button / Many to Poly / CV to Freq / Note gen / Midi out etc"

    There's no need to do any scaling, the "Many to Poly" sorts out sending

    16 signals at the same time and the Note gen turns it into midi info.

  • @supadom the Buttons are already set for the pads on the LC XL by the way.

    Change the midi out channel for the Scene you're using.

    User Scene 1-8 midi channels 1-8

    Factory Scene 1 is midi channel 9-16

    Factory Scene 7 has a slightly different configuration

    than the others because it's hardwired for FL Studio.

  • edited December 2022

    I've found out why the LP X wasn't working as expected.

    LED internal was switched off.

    "LED feedback (internal) toggles whether pads on the 8x8 grid light up when pressed in Custom Modes. Bright green indicates that LED feedback (internal) is enabled, whereas dim red indicates that it is disabled. The setting is enabled by default."

    LED feedback (external) toggles whether pads on the 8x8 grid light up when MIDI is received externally in Custom Modes and Programmer Mode. Bright green indicates that LED feedback (external) is enabled, whereas dim red indicates that it is disabled. The setting is enabled by default. "

  • hey @gravitas sorry, I’ve been busy sleeping. I’ve discovered magnesium for some muscle pain I’ve been having and discovered it’s other hidden benefit: it makes you sleep! So yeah, days have been short for me lately!

    Anyway, I forgot to mention that my purpose for using the leds on launch key wasn’t for launching scenes like in any reasonable human being’s case but simply to have it lit when my mute button is engaged and unlit when the mute button is off. It seems that doing this using CCs is easier or am I missing something? I’ve fired up the preset you’ve posted but no luck. The led lights up when I press it but all of them do light up anyway.

    What I wanted it was to stay lit. But launchkey mini mk 2 has no editor so I cannot change anything. I might just get the mk3 which I used to have but all of those have mushy keys which isn’t very encouraging.

    Thanks for your help anyway….I’m a bit distracted currently so forgive the lack of responsiveness!

  • BTW are you using Drambo stand-alone or hosted? Trying to see maybe my host routing isn’t up to scratch. I’m hosting Drambo in loopy pro.

  • @supadom magnesium for muscle pain?

    Cool, I'll keep that on my radar.

    Sleep is good for you.

    It's Winter time which is always a good excuse to wrap up warm and snooze. ;)

    The patch is designed only for switching lights on and off,

    if you want it to do anything else you'll have to add it.

    Can you change the information on the Launchkey pads from midi note to cc's??

    You have to put in the values for the Launchkey mini yourself

    hence why I left the links for the Midi notes and note frequencies as reference.

    Midi map the pads to Buttons of the same value.

    I would've done it myself but I'm deep in a piece at the moment

    which is starting to come together quite nicely.

    No worries dude. :)

    dRambo standalone, I host Loopy Pro in dRambo whenever I need looping things.

  • I have midi learned the first button in the rack to the button I want to use for mute.

    I’ve just noticed though that if I place the midi monitor before midi note gen I get read out of button transmitting on Chanel 10 which is correct but if I place it after the note generator it shows channel 1. Maybe that’s the issue?

  • BTW this is my secondary rig based on loopy pro and launchkey that I’m trying to revive. If I don’t get it to work no fairies will die. ☺️

  • Uncompact the Rack and there’s the Midi Out module to set the channel to 10.

    Here’s the screenshot with the Midi Out set to the LC XL.

  • I hear you on this. ;)

    If anything I’ll pm you my FaceTime and give me a call. 😏

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