ez keytracking?

hi folks! is there an easy way to do keytracking/pitch scaling in Drambo? i have a rack for this, but it seems way too complicated. am i missing something simple? tia! /dan


  • Pitch scaling as of quantization?

    Check out MISC/UTIL CV quantizer module - can do note quantization and scale the CV range as well

  • sorry, no. scaling/modulating based on pitch. eg in the screenshot if the input pitch is greater than c3 it scales an input audio signal from 0 to -23db over 3 octaves.

  • edited January 2023

    I'm kinda confused by your rack truthfully (they can often be confusing 😂 ) .

    I think you should be able to just take the pitch value and plug it into a Graphic Shaper. You can then design the scaling to do the modulation at the level you want.

    You then take the output of that graphic shaper and use it to modulate an Amp.

  • Seems like you've forgotten to post the content of your rack @bangzero, I can only see buttons and no complexity.

    Anyway, here's how I would do it, given that a 6 octave range for choosing the activation point should be enough:

  • graphic shaper is good idea. i think of keytracking in terms of a breakpoint note. but it could be dialed in visually just as well.

    rack screenshot was user interface only for what i have i mind: breakpoint note, direction and range. there's a lot of plumbing to decode the ui. :^) pitch module would be simpler, & your min/max/switch technique is clever.

    thanks @quartzite & @rs2000! these ideas will help me simplify things.

  • Great! 😊

  • edited January 2023

    hi folks. fwiw, here's what i came up with. pscale rack uses pitch module to set breakpoint & graphic shaper to control keytracking across 4 octaves. pscale-amp used morphed amp module to set maximum cut. pscale-mini uses 2nd pitch module to set bipolar range using octave knob. enjoy! /dan

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