EuclideZ DrumBox on Patchstorage
Hey. Made this today, hope you like it.
I should have called the first slider beat as opposed to groove. Can’t be bothered to reupload but you can change it yourselves if it bothers you.
I guess a groove slider to add some sexy sloppiness will come in V2.
Download the project file and tap to open in Drambo
Please let me know if there’s any issues as I’m using a beta version of Drambo. If any problems I will try and reupload it using the AppStore version. Apologies in advance.
Great stuff.
I’ll get stuck in tomorrow.
Thank you.
Thanks for checking it out. It definitely needs taming.
When the slider is half way up I’ve programmed it to be 4 to the floor but at times it goes off when moving things around.
I’m guessing that’s inherent euclidean sequencer but also hoping there’s a way of resetting it without the need to restart the transport
I think @rs2000 built something that could reset the Euclidean sequencer without stopping transport.
Since the Euclidean Seq in this project is synced to the time signal, my guess is that offsets are rather introduced by the offset modulations in the patch. At least I haven't been able to reproduce any non-deliberate offsets here.
that Is sick and awesome
Just added the percussion version of this
The @lala ’s noise percussion could be possibly put in place of my rather simple shaker part within this.
do that