How to have a switch turn off when another switch is turned on???

Is this at all possible? It’s had me scratching my head for some time now. I imagine it can be done by some combination of logic modules and or function module but for the life of me can I get the right combo. To explain further Button A is set to index switch N-1(a) And button B is to index switch N-1(b) what I’m trying to achieve is that if button A is on and I switch button B on button A turns off and visavirsa. Hope that makes sense and that one of you guys can figure it out. Thanks


  • I don’t think there’s currently a way to do this on buttons with midi feedback.

    You could alternatively use a separate switch 1-n and just run a positive number 1 value through it. Output 1 sends the switch a, outputs 2 sends to switch b.

  • If you’re using an external midi controller you can map one pad - two buttons.

    When the pad is on, one button or midi point is off and the other is on.

    The other way would be to open up the midi mapping and adjust the percentage per midi point.

    One button is 0-100% and the other is 100-0%

    I use it all the time.

  • I've requested a Radio Button mode for the Buttons module a while ago.

    Maybe @giku can comment on it.

    Anyway, you can do this by combining 1-N and N-1 switches.

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