Controller setup



  • Actually I have found simple midi resolution to be unsatisfying in a few situations. I was looking for a way to use OSC or NRPN Midi into Drambo, but I did not really find any mention of this over here in my superficial search. In fact I could not really get any info also in the web on OSC ready iOS-Apps apart from those made to control external computers. Most people seem to use TouchOSC to send midi instead of osc messages over here. That works at least to provide a cleaned up control-surface in wich I can't accidentally erase a whole module in a live situation. Wich is really cool, but high resolution fader movement (like it works so nicely inside drambo) would be also really really cool. Does one of the two above work? Could one of the two work? Is that a worthwhile request?


  • edited June 2024

    @monogong Neither OSC nor NRPN are supprted in Drambo but you could use two MIDI CC, one for coarse and one for fine value adjustments, by means of modulations or morph knobs.

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