How do i send MIDI CC to Digistix 2 hosted in Drambo?
So, I’ve just purchased Digistix 2 as i wanted an AU drum machine with ‘regular’ acoustic drum samples. I’m very impressed but it seems that everything is exposed as an AU parameter except Pattern changes?
The manual says that pattern changes can be made via CC 20.
In Drambo, I’ve added a CC Generator (multi) module before Digistix 2 as seen here
I’ve set the dial to CC 20 and it does work - it changes the Patterns in Digistix 2, though the most minute movements of the dial are required meaning it’s very difficult to select the desired pattern.
I’ve put P-locks for that dial on the relevant Drambo patterns so that the correct patterns in Digistix 2 are selected when the pattern in Drambo changes. This works but the first event in the newly switched to pattern (in DS2) is not heard, the events of the previous pattern heard on that step instead.
Anyone got any ideas as to what I’m doing wrong here? What’s the best way to approach this?