Markov chain

Is it possible to create a Markov chain-based sequencer in Drambo? I've been trying to think through how to do this but not experienced enough with Drambo yet to figure it out.


  • I wouldn't have a clue how to do that with Drambo, but it sure looks to me like you could do it with the Senode sequencer app. Nodes can loop back to themselves and have a probability to select other nodes or themselves.

  • Thank you, I will check that one out

  • edited August 28

    By markov based do you mean something like this?

    Where.A and E are two notes?

    Have you tried step components? Not the same thing I know.

    Having one note jump to several with different probability seems feasible in drambo, using stochastic gates, math modules, maybe shift register

    but it seems a very hard thing to build with drambo due to having to decompose midi into pitch/cv, then determine which note to play next and reconstructing the midi note. Might become unmanageable with several notes

    Still an interesting idea, I may toy with a little further because I am curious now (I had thought about markev chains before, but it seemed too daunting)

    Anyway, some of the resident genius might wanna chime in

  • Amazing, thank you! Continue to be surprised by what is possible with Drambo

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