Doubt about FM operator attack's behaviour


So I am trying to build an FM synth with a modulatable attack. I am using the Morph module to control the FM Operator's attack from its minimum value to its maximum. Problem is I am not getting the same behaviour I am seeing on any other parameter when using the Morph module.

The attack pot on the FM operator seems to be nonlinear and very logarithmic (so when the Morph Amount pot is set to around 25%, the Attack pot on the FM operator is already at around 60%. I have not encountered this behaviour when using Morph with any other parameter (I am also using another Morph for the End Level and it behaves as expected mirroring both the Amount and the End Level pots position). I have looked around if I had something set to nonlinear or whatever, but cannot seem to find anything.

My final goal will be creating extra knobs to control this specific amounts so I can have a cleaner compact rack, but I first need to solve this issue

Thanks in advance :)


  • This could be a bug indeed. Anyway, as a workaround, you could modulate a morph knob through a Graphic Shaper which you'd use to linearize the Attack response.

  • Graphic Shapers will save the world.

    Thank you very much and yeah, seems like a bug to me as its the only parameter that shows this behaviour, and I have been testing with tens of modules

  • @paosciante

    Graphic Shapers will save the world.

    Absolutely! 😅

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