Drambo instrument not restoring correctly in Loopy Pro

edited September 2024 in Drambo

Does anyone else have this issue?

I believe it only happens with Drambo instrument, not Drambo effect instances.

If I save the session in Drambo and then in Loopy it will reopen ok if I do it right away. If I close everything and reopen after a while I get Drambo loading empty and I have to load the session manually.

It’s really annoying and would be good to fix it. @giku is aware of this but cannot reproduce it so I thought I’d check if there’s any other cases of this.

It’s been like this for at least a year and happens on all my devices, phones and iPads. I’ve also tried AppStore as well as beta versions but no luck.


Also interestingly the window opens like in the picture and not as originally saved. Could this be the indication of which app is at fault, loopy or Drambo?


  • edited September 2024

    I’ve had the exact opposite happen with projects in Drambo standalone, where I’ve used the Loopy Pro AU to record audio loops and one shots inside Drambo. I’d save in LP, then save the Drambo project as a whole. Then return later to find Loopy loading in the project completely blank.

    I will say this seems to have been fixed though. Hasn’t happened in a while. Then again, I don’t always use that particular setup.

    edit: I know this doesn’t help with your situation, nor do I have anything to advise.

  • Cheers man. Turns out it’s a au memory limit issue. I’ve reduced the amount of samples in the project and now it is loading ok. 🙄

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