Will we get audio tracks at some point?

I keep considering using something like N-track or Cubasis or Logic cause I want to lay down instruments or vocal tracks but part of me thinks as soon as I buy something suddenly Drambo will have audio tracks. I’d prefer to stay in Drambo if I can.


  • Same with me, I love Drambo's environment for what it is but keep wishing for an audio timeline to put stuff into audio and slightly restrict my choices when I want to progress with a song. Cutting and modifying small pieces of audio would also be very nice for all sorts of variations

  • Whenever I have a project where I just _have to_ record something to audio, I’ve found the Flexi Sampler to be quite Flexible. There’s a ton of stuff you can do with the Flexi Sampler. It’s really underrated…

    Either that, or I’ll create a bus with an instance of the Loopy Pro AU on it, to receive and record any kind of audio. Loops, one shots, or lengthy minutes long audio clips which can then be midi learned, and launched with the Drambo sequencer.

  • I love Drambo! Have had it for awhile but only started to get into it recently.

    I’d love audio tracks, would be an IAP I’d pay for for sure.

    I’m wondering how best to implement this, I think a virtual tape type interface with temp markers etc and cut and paste, loop points, would be very cool. Basically the system like in the OP-1 / OP-1 Field, would be cool.

  • edited September 2024

    Neon audio editor is currently on sale. If you need autio tracks soon, this could be your thing.

    It supports drag and drop of audio files too.

    I don't use it myself because when I record audio, I'll usually assemble tracks from shorter riffs anyway so Flexi and Sampler work well enough for me.

  • More likely Korg Gadget style audio clips.

  • edited October 2024

    audio clips would require realtime high quality timestrech of all tracks ... (elastique) meaning paying license to another company = higher price for drambo ...

    "normal" audiotracks would change the nature of drambo from tempo flexible to fixed tempo projects ...

    I can't see any of this happening.

    but who knows

  • Theres gotta be alternatives to licensing a time stretch algorithm.

  • edited October 2024

    not really,

    say "oh no" & sample it.

    now try to play "oh no" as a chord ...

    unusable garbage glitch festival without first class polyphonic timestrech 👾

    even non poly algo for tracks are very difficult to do if you want to change your tempo from lets say 125 to 95 bpm ...

    it sounds like the drum kit is falling down the stairs on LSD or something 😥 (you know the sound im talking about ... 😆)

  • Some of us (like me) love the old-school time-stretch...

    ...and can you imagine the joy when Amigo Sampler dropped as a plug-in 😎

  • edited October 2024

    I dont know, I feel like this rich with artifacts timestrech sound is way past its best before date 🤷🏻‍♂️

    30 years ago this was new and adventures now it just spells retro to me 🤷🏻‍♂️

    the sound loses all its impact and becomes a grainy texture 😐️

    its 2024, we can do better now :)

    with luxus granular grain cloud atmos ... and with pitchshift/timestrech that doesn't turn everything into weird mush :)

  • The old, sh!t sounding algo in OT is what I like… besides I don’t think stretching (and/or its quality) along with the licensing has anything to do with the topic of audio tracks in D.

  • edited October 2024

    you can change the tempo of any project without changing the quality of the audio now ...

    audio tracks would change this ;)

    drambos clips & patterns just follow the tempo from whatever I do in Ableton live and it doesn't change the sound ;) :)

    and imho electrons timestrech is overpriced garbage, it sounds like its the 90s again. I wouldn't pay 10 cent for that. ;)

    they are doing the same garbage in the digitact 2 ;)

    I think ppl got the Stockholm Syndrome from elektron ™ . 🙄 😈

    other mothers have pretty daughters too, as we say in Germany. :) hopefully they dont lisp when you walk faster or slower 😆

  • The only thing I miss regarding timestretch on iOS is the ability to nudge the slices to conform to a tempo grid, or even a different rhythm, like you can do in live. For instance if you want to mashup tracks with uneven tempo (like acoustic recordings where the tempo might drift). When I want that I use live to pre-format the recordings and then export

    Of course I don’t expect that to come to drambo like… ever. But I would love if ableton did a “simpler for iOS”. Not holding my breath though

  • edited October 2024

    what makes simpler great is the power of elastique ...

    Im not holding my breath for abelton to do this,

    why would you just bring the simpler to iOS when you could bring it all to iOS if you wanted to (minus max)?

    the abelton app on iOS is just a teaser that spells get a copy of live you know you want it. you can't really do much with it. its more of an advertisement and a teaser for more than actually useful. ;)

    daw on iOS is weird because of the weird App Store rules

    nothing serious happened for years and years from the usual suspects and then apple had to move up, like hey if you dont do it all on iOS we will have to do it ourselves.( I dont like logic or subscription based paying models) 🤷🏻‍♂️

    apple waited very long to not destroy a potential daw market on iOS, and then they thought fuck it, nothing is happening, we need to do it.

    my 2 cents


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