Downgrade to last version!
Hi there,
I'm running a huge Drambo project, many thousands of modules. It controls my whole studio (MIDI processing). My studio can only run with it working!
The latest update, my project won't run properly.
Please, is there any way to downgrade to the last Drambo version, so I can get my studio working again?
Many thanks for any help!
Apple does not allow app version downgrades on the Appstore unfortunately.
Please give us details about what's not working and which iOS version you're running.
Giku sorted me out via email, don't worry!
If anyone else has trouble, try the workaround he gave me:
Start Drambo.
Resize the Rack area as small as possible.
Load project.
Drambo wasn't liking making the layout with over 4,000 modules for some reason :D
For reference, Im on an a base Ipad M1 Pro. Running 17.5.1.
Thanks for the reply too!
For anyone concerned, if you have access to a Windows or MacOS desktop there is a way around the Apple limitation of not being able to roll back app versions. iMazing is a companion software that allows you to do a lot of things. Among these is the ability to back up your App Library and to keep previous versions of apps.
You must, however, back up before a newer version is released. And I do mean released, not installed. iMazing can only pull from the App Store, not from your device. So, by the time a new release comes out, it's too late. However, if you do back up a known good version, you can keep as many versions as you like on your desktop, and re-install that version if you need to.
A couple of things: There are two types of iMazing backups, device, and App Library. It's the App Library backup that's useful. The full backup is no different than Apple's backup and restore, which is for a full device, _and forces updating to the latest OS and all apps. Also, the free version of iMazing is enough to back up apps. No purchase is needed unless you want their other functionality.
Anyone who relies on Apple apps for studio or performance work should be aware of this fallback ability and take the needed precaution of saving previous versions as soon as possible after a new version you hope to use is released.
[edit] Oh one more thing. You can only install apps under the same Apple ID as the app was purchased under. You can't restore someone else's backed up app to your device. Apps are individually signed to the account that purchased them.
[edit 2] This post applies to apps only. There is no way to roll back to a previous iOS or iPadOS version on a non-jailbroken device.
@number37 Back in the fun (i.e. jailbreaking) iOS days, I remember an app that would intercept the communication when downloading an app from the Appstore and provide a list of previous app versions which to me indicated that Apple keep (kept?) previous versions in their archives.
No idea if or how this would still be possible.
@Laser Glad you got your problem solved. I admit that my interest piqued when you mentioned that you're using thousands of Drambo modules to control your whole studio. I'm curious to hear more about what you're doing with it.
Apologies for the late reply! I need to spend more time checking this forum!
I posted a few pics and some info on Elektronauts:
It's a very complex setup... would take hours to explain what it does and how it works... but seriously, Drambo makes a lot of the magic happen!
I'll do a video of it one day. Just have to find the time between using it and adding stuff to it!
I had a look at your post on the Elektronauts forum.
Your rig is certainly adventurous.
It looks wicked and glad to see that
someone else is using the lights on the LP X's.
Where are you based in the World?
London! SE London scum :D
Yeah Drambo is basically the ultimate MIDI processor, and Novation gear does a lot of cool stuff that's not well documented.
For instance, you can change the LCXL pages remotely, also from the same LCXL, so I have buttons I press then the pages change simulatneously on 2 or 4 LCXLs. So you can instant change to certain layouts with just one button, instead of having to hold User and press the number on 4 LCXL's. Saves time when jamming!
Also made a little Drambo project I run first before starting a session... it colourizes the LCXL Factory pages (normally you can't change those colours), so I can have 16 usable pages with the LEDs how I want.
Drambo's the fricking best!
Listen mate... ;)
Raised in Deptford, rocked through Lewisham.
Sauf East all the way. lolololol
"Yeah Drambo is basically the ultimate MIDI processor, and Novation gear does a lot of cool stuff that's not well documented."
Agreed, I waded through Novation manuals and then youtube
to get the answers I needed however it was worth it.
This is dRambo and an LPX from three years ago.
"For instance, you can change the LCXL pages remotely, also from the same LCXL, so I have buttons I press then the pages change simulatneously on 2 or 4 LCXLs. So you can instant change to certain layouts with just one button, instead of having to hold User and press the number on 4 LCXL's. Saves time when jamming!"
I didn't know that in regards to the LC XL though I did notice that they do send out sysex messages when changing Scenes.
I've created a little utility that you may find useful as it changes
the midi channel of the LC XL without having to use the "USER/Factory" buttons.
It does take some time getting used to as you have to change your muscle memory.
I'll get that to that later on.
"Also made a little Drambo project I run first before starting a session... it colourizes the LCXL Factory pages (normally you can't change those colours), so I can have 16 usable pages with the LEDs how I want."
That sounds cool.
You can change the colours using Velocity, found that out from RTF!!..M. lolololol
"Drambo's the fricking best!"
By the way I've been in touch with @lisson_ldn who also happens to be in Sauf.
We're possibly meeting this Sunday, if you're interested in talking dRambo let's link up.
We're also going to be discussing finding a place so that we can play "Loud".
Here’s the LC XL utility that I put together.
Using this utility you only have to use USER Scene 1.
Press the Pads to select midi channels 1-16.
You have to switch off Track and Control for the LC XL in dRambo Settings.
Select the correct midi input for the Channel Switcher and output for the LC XL LED’s.
If you need to use the Pads then you can use all of the other Scene Pads except for the Pads on Scene 1
because the Pads on Scene 1 are being used for selecting midi channels 1-16.
Included in the utility are the correct values for the LC XL Pad led’s
on midi Ch-9 so you can create copies for the other channels when needed.
One more thing to save phaffing around.
The LC XL Midi Input should be set to midi Ch 1.
Holy shit I live in Deptford! Been here for almost 15 years! Nuff respec etc etc :D
This tune sums it up for me:
Love the stuff with the LP-X! Takes dedication!
The LCXL utility is a great idea mate, good thinking. They should have that shit built in!
To change the pages remotely send CC1 to the LCXL. Use values 0-15 to select User1-8 and Factory 1-8. Simple!
The light colouring Drambo project, I'll post it here tonight. You just have to remember to correctly set the LED MIDI Channel numbers in Components first, I set it sequentially so Channel 1 = User Page1, through to Channel 16 = Factory Page8. Once that's set you just tweak the project and run it.
The nice thing is as well, you can get more shades, dim red, dim yellow, dim orange, dim green etc, helps to separate stuff on the LCXL.
One last thing regarding LCXL, if you have a method of sending Sysex you can update and change all 8 user pages on one go, instead of having to use Components to do them one at a time. I'll have to remember the method... basically, the .syx files for each layout, they don't have a specific location associated with them, when you use Components then press 'Send to 1' it will modify the 7th byte to tell the LCXL where to store the page.
So you can append 8 lots of sysex together and manually put the locations in. Then when you send it to the LCXL, all 8 pages update in one go. I rarely do that anymore... I have 8 LCXL's instead :D
Definitely up for meeting! Not sure about this Sunday, let me know when and where!
Also... I -might- know a place we can jam as loud as we want... I'll get in touch with a mate see if it's still available! If so it's in Woolwich!
"Holy shit I live in Deptford! Been here for almost 15 years! Nuff respec etc etc :D"
I'm on the Lewisham end of Deptford near Elverson DLR.
Yeah, we're practically neighbours and yeah it's a Londan ting. ;)
I wasn't expecting to hear the names Saxon Sound and Tippa Irie on the Forum.
Brapp, brapp.
"To change the pages remotely send CC1 to the LCXL. Use values 0-15 to select User1-8 and Factory 1-8. Simple!"
Nice tip.
"One last thing regarding LCXL, if you have a method of sending Sysex you can update and change all 8 user pages on one go, instead of having to use Components to do them one at a time. I'll have to remember the method... basically, the .syx files for each layout, they don't have a specific location associated with them, when you use Components then press 'Send to 1' it will modify the 7th byte to tell the LCXL where to store the page."
Nicely done.
"So you can append 8 lots of sysex together and manually put the locations in. Then when you send it to the LCXL, all 8 pages update in one go. I rarely do that anymore... I have 8 LCXL's instead :D"
Wise, I've got two at the moment and definitely going to get a third.
"Definitely up for meeting! Not sure about this Sunday, let me know when and where!"
No worries if you can't make this Sunday however I will let you when and where.
We maybe meeting up at Badger Badger just by the bridge.
"Also... I -might- know a place we can jam as loud as we want... I'll get in touch with a mate see if it's still available! If so it's in Woolwich!"
Ohhhh, that sounds interesting and Woolwich is certainly doable.
Let's keep in touch and get this show on the road. ;)
"Lewisham end of Deptford near Elverson DLR"
You posh bastard :D
Badger Badger, that's Deptford High Street... can't really not come as that's like 5 minutes walk!
Assuming you aint an axe-murderer you'll have to come round for jam at some point... I play the guitar... like a deaf one-armed man :D
"You posh bastard :D"
I've got some stories to tell ya. ;)
You moved in when shizzle calmed down.
For those reading who are wondering what we're going on about???...
You'll find out eventually. ;)
"Badger Badger, that's Deptford High Street... can't really not come as that's like 5 minutes walk!"
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Let me hear back from @lisson_ldn and see what's gwaning and regardless
I'm in Deptford quite a bit these days so we can link up whenever.
I'm there this Tuesday in actual fact doing some vocal coaching.
By the way I have access to a slamming P.A in regards to venues if necessary.
I'm in partnership with a sound engineer for gigs etc.
"Assuming you aint an axe-murderer you'll have to come round for jam at some point... I play the guitar... like a deaf one-armed man :D"
Nah, I don't wield axe's that's Downham sides.
They were crazy back in the day.
Like I said I've got stories and then some....
Yeah, I'm up for coming over and jamming and once my music room
is back up and functional (as I'm reorganising for the nth time) you can come over and do likewise.
I play guitar, quite a lot so no worries. :)
"You moved in when shizzle calmed down."
Ha ha, did I mention I moved from Peckham... used to hear gun-shots at night, I'm serious. And was in Plumstead and Woolwich before that... moving to Deptford felt like moving to Mayfair on the monopoly board :D
Here's a link for that Factory light colouriser if it's any use to you:
Fairly simple to use, takes a minute:
It's a section per row of lights on the LCXL, so 1st row = the top row of lights etc.
Connect the V to the colour you want for that light (the knobs). Do the same for all the lights in every row.
The Module title 'Extender' gets connected to the Module 'To Extend' (just a pair of Adders for linking).
Set your MIDI channel and output correctly in the 'MIDI OUTPUT' section.
Just copy paste it for another page, make sure to change the MIDI channel. Factory pages 1-8 are always channels 9-16!
Btw, the way it's setup to cycle through all 16 pages and colour them, so you have to let it reach your page to colour it (takes a few seconds to do all 16).
What sort of vocal coaching you doing? You a singer?
"Ha ha, did I mention I moved from Peckham... used to hear gun-shots at night, I'm serious. And was in Plumstead and Woolwich before that... moving to Deptford felt like moving to Mayfair on the monopoly board :D"
No way.
I used to and still do move through Peckham, I know the runnings.
Plumstead and Woolwich sides (kmt) are notorious for them tings.
Deptford moved up market and looks like it's going to stay there for good. :)
Welcome to the Manor. :)
"It's a section per row of lights on the LCXL, so 1st row = the top row of lights etc.
Connect the V to the colour you want for that light (the knobs). Do the same for all the lights in every row.
The Module title 'Extender' gets connected to the Module 'To Extend' (just a pair of Adders for linking).
Set your MIDI channel and output correctly in the 'MIDI OUTPUT' section.
Awesome, I'll try this as soon as.
"What sort of vocal coaching you doing? You a singer?"
It depends upon what the singer needs, everything from breath control, pitching and mic technique.
I used to be head producer and head sound engineer for the production company
that signed up All Saints and Sugar Babes many, many moons ago and
I've produced loads of artists and rappers over the years so .... :)
Yeah, I'm a singer as well though not as much these days which is about to change.
More on that front later. ;)
Wow, that's crazy mate!
Looking forward to meeting ya, jamming and chilling :D
I'll holla ya on the morrow. :)
ive been lacking on the forum front but hit up my instagram @sam.lisson and I should be able to join you if you’re meeting today! If storm Bert hasn’t blown away all the trains haha
@Laser @lisson_ldn
Well met today guys.
That was a good one.
Nice to meet you both!
Let's get together and make some noise!
Maybe even some music :D
Agreed for sure. :)
Yeah good to meet you both, I’m already reprogramming banks of layer templates into the layer switch module. There’s an idea for a feature request - a togglable setting for similar modules so that you can instantly turn patches created using layers into layer switch or one of the other layer type modules. Right now I’m doing a lot of rearranging from one layer module to another module and it could def be easier with just a one click solution then everything is still wired up correctly
The never-ending journey :D
Gotta love it!
Copy and paste the modules into a preset Rack and then put the "Rack" into the "Layer Switch", saves a lot of hassle in the long run,
you can also put auv3's into the "Layer Switch" as well.
Yup, dRambo is already loaded up here and I've got already got a groove going. :)
@Laser and @lisson_ldn
A friend of mine was interviewed by the Mirror recently, we worked together many moons ago.
I learnt a lot from him.
Have a read. :)
By the way I've been going through various ways to compensate for latency
so when you're ready give me a holla and I'll come over and we can get that sorted for you.
I'm also looking for ways to get Midi Clock to Ableton Link however as far as
I know the only app that would've done it would've been Midi Link Sync and that's now gone.
@rs2000 may know.
"By the way I've been going through various ways to compensate for latency"
Cheers, appreciate that. Any details on specifics?
Tbh I don't think it's a latency thing though. I can't really mess with latency, the reason is, everything just has to happen as soon as it can, because it's for playing live. So I have to turn of all forms of compensation in Ableton, run plugins in efficient modes and so on. The whole-rig latency is pretty good, never notice when jamming.
The problem is more Drambo eventually de-syncing with Mac2. Just talking it through with you and Sam gave me a few ideas though.
It -might- be simply because I'm pushing Drambo to the limit of what my M1 Ipad can handle, if so, there's not getting round it (not using MIDI clock anyway).
Ableton Link is an option... although I explored it a while ago and it was hot mess of shit :D
So... I think I might go old school - and sync them manually. Link play buttons, link tempo controls, have Drambo flash a light on a button in time with it's own clock... Then I'll use the flashing light to have a visual indicator of how synced it is. If it drifts I'll just beat-match DJ-style, pretty easy.
Because the real issue is not Drambo de-syncing, it's not being able to re-sync it without stopping my whole rig (which I try and avoid doing because it takes a while to get it going again.
Be good if Drambo had a nudge button, that would help a lot!