Chord module question
I put in a chord module, where i have some presets of minor7, minor6, etc. I then put a midi to cv with 16 voices. I ended with an FM operator. When i hit record and hit C, it plays the minor chord as expected, but in the piano roll, it only has C, not a chord with all the notes. Is there a way to take this setup and have it properly place the notes of the chords generated into the piano roll?
Yes, by using a sequencer module to record.
Enable the clip window in the sequencer to record into this module. You can have as many of them as you like in your track.
Keyboard and pads are recorded into the main sequencer by default. If the sequencer recorded from any of the MIDI module outputs in your rack, things could become very messy quickly.
The freedom is yours:
You can, for example, place a MIDI Switch N-1 to choose between the track sequence and the module sequence then a MIDI to CV module after it if required.
Thank you