Today´s update, some comments
- Conga loop with stretching, earlier crash when going down to 24 bpm now fixed. I just had a quick and dirty test, is there perhaps a bit more crackle noise when changing the bpm while stretching now?
- File system: suddenly my Drambo folder on local iPad was gone, and my left margin favorite folder "Samples" (within mentioned Drambo folder) wasn´t working anymore. I did an iPad reboot, and this brought it back to normal.
- "Midi file drag to launcher crash fixed" - true, it works! Has this feature been there before? I didn´t know we could drag midi files into clips. Nice! Got my Garageband Drummer midi in, working fine with OneShot.
@bleep thank you for reporting.
I'll keep an eye out for the File system suddenly disappearing.
That must've been a little bit "concerning". ;)
Glad that it's working as expected now.
Yup midi file drag n drop has been there for awhile though I personally haven't tested it myself.
Good to know that you're getting GB midi drum files into dRambo.
It was indeed a little concerning! But I had a good feeling a reboot would fix it, it’s just one of those iOS quirks.
Yeah, it’s good to get midi from those “intelligent” drummers and pair it with the dynamics in OneShot.
So it won’t mess up my local files?
Didn't mess up my files (after reboot), but I am just one sample:)
@bleep You can import midi files directly from the Clip itself.
On the Transport Bar there is and icon to the left of the Rec button.
Select a Clip and a menu will appear, on the top right hand side are two buttons one for importing midi files and the other for exporting.
Ah yes, I have used them before. They are not the most immediate buttons in the UI, and apparently easy to forget! If you haven’t used them in a while, that is. I tried long-tapping and dragging from Files menu instead.
It occurred to me now that perhaps that clip options box should pop up when long-tapping a clip (for others to more easily see how to import midi). I guess it is not done since you do clip p-locking this way, but perhaps both could be allowed? If I clip p-lock, I wouldn’t mind seeing a box pop up, as long as it disappears when you lift the finger. Anyway, just a minor detail.
Agreed, it's not the most immediate place to look for import/export.
When we swipe up on a Clip there's another menu for
Copy/Paste/ Delete/ Clear further along and oct up/oct down and clear p-lock
so I don't if there is enough space for another menu.