Polyphonic Modulation help

I use Chordion into Drambo and I have the mod wheel(finger position) controlling filter cutoff but I want the mod wheel to only effect a note while it's held down so that the tail/release of the note stays at last position. That way in polyphonic patches I could open the filter on one note and then slowly open the filter on the next note without losing the tail of the first note. Does that make sense? I might have to make a video of what I mean.


  • I can experiment with this later, but I think the last component in the chain will be a sample and hold triggered by an inverted gate that takes the position of the mod wheel. It would need a switch so that while note is down, the mod wheel is ‘live’, and when you released it locks the filter in.

  • I think one other feature you might add would be some sort of slew so you don’t get sudden jumps but rather a nice little sweep when you get a note on. Sub in your mod wheel input for the knob.

  • That works perfectly thank you.

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