Drambo in Audiobus on iPhone. Notch hides a track controls.

Hi! Is it possible to fix this problem with a iPhone notch hiding part of the GUI in Audiobus?


  • I don't have a notch-phone but does AudioBus 'rotate' properly if you rotate the phone?

    (The track header has less controls so the notch would not cover any essential features of the app).

  • It rotates properly. But some apps have essential controls on the left side and you have to rotate it back and forth when switching apps. Probably it should be fixed on Audiobus level

  • I’ve contacted Michael from Audiobus and he said that it should be fixed on AU app side simply by respecting safe areas in layout. I tried it with a blank app and it is really so.

    The main pain is if you even place notch on the left, is first step editing in sequencer and step mode.

    @giku, please, can you fix this?

  • use AUM where u can resize any auv3

  • Yeah, I tried. But AUM missing some features like fast switching between apps etc. And floating windows are good idea if you can fit more than one on a screen but useless on small phone screens

  • edited May 2020

    thats why you have bookmarks in aum...

  • Yes, I know about bookmarks. Really, I used AUM probably even more then Audiobus. But fullscreen mode with fast switch, save, play/pause, tempo buttons made me want to return to AB.

    Anyway, I think it is a bug that Drambo don't respect safe area margins. And it would be great to see it fixed someday. The app is a joy to use even without fix. And the preference of one host app over another is very subjective.

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