About to buy a 12.9 iPad Pro for Drambo : worth it ?

Hi there !

just wondering if the bigger iPad Pro would add confort to use drambo ? rocking on an iPad Pro 5 but feeling cramped.

how is the display with the 12.9 ? Would be great hearing from your experience.

thanks !


  • What's feeling cramped?

    Controls too tiny or rather too few modules fitting on one screen page?

  • Both ! Will the 12.9 help ?

  • It will give you a little bit more space but the size of controls won't change because the Pro 11" and the Pro 12.9" have exactly the same display ppi.

  • Okay ! So the sweet spot is at 10,5 / 11” ?

    thanks man you be saved me a serious amount of cash :-)

  • I find the display on iPad 12.9’’ is not really optimized : controls feel really tiny (I have to use my glasses, mostly because of my old age, but also because the modules rack is not big enough imho). The space for the keyboard (or for the pads when you don’t display keyboard) is unnecessary big, and could easily be reduced to allow a larger modules rack on the 12.9’’

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