Legato Glide return to previous note

Can we have gliding notes in legato mode return to a held note after new note is released?


  • +1 I like to play the keyboard like that, holding down a start-note on a mono lead and then tapping other notes to create quick glides to the new note or notes and return back to the original.

    One crazy work-around here is to use the Graphic Modulator to create a sequence using the grid to vertically lock the notes to 12 or 24 steps with 0.125 or 0.250 as the pitch modulation depth and then draw a glide to the next, that is if 32 steps is enough....

    This works for 'programming' a sequence but not for live-play :)

  • You mean when you have the voice count set to 1?

  • Yes when voice count is 1. Just like on a regular mono synth.

    When a key is held it always transmits CV and the other notes just add/remove from the CV that is sent to the oscillator.

    And as long as any key is held the gate is open.

  • This option might best be buried inside MIDI to CV header menu because you can have multiple MIDI to CV modules in the same track.

  • I've not tried with external keyboards yet, but it may even be related to the onscreen keyboard and the way it sends out notes to the modules.

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