A place for basic Drambo questions...



  • Hi @Trosta

    You can delay the gate into the LFO to delay the start of modulation.

    You could use Amp Env AD between LFO and filter to ramp up the magnitude of the effect. Or use the Graphic Env and Amp as already suggested.

  • Similar to what @uncleDave said, you can route an envelope ADSR into a delay module. Then the delay will be routed to LFO Amount. LFO then gets routed to destination.

    The envelope gets triggered in real-time, but the signal gets delayed when sent to its destination. The intensity of the lfo thus gets gradually ramped up by the attack of the envelope, with a delayed onset with the delay module. (Note there are 3 delay modules in the processor section. Use the first delay, which is static and doesn’t produce feedback repeats)

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  • Thanks @number37

    This takes care of the ramp/intensifying of the LFO indeed, great!

    However, even keeping the lower left part of the graphic env at zero does not delay the start of the lfo



  • Thanks @uncleDave

    How do I delay the gate of the LFO? That sounds like the way to go, but now when I added a delay before the LFO and routed its gate to that delay, my ramp was gone, and it did other interesting sounds but not the delay.

    And thanks for the alternative ramp



  • @Trosta A delay can also be used for the gate signal, so the flow would be:

    Midi to CV => Delay => LFO gate input.

    If you have applied a ramp then either delay the modulation signal too (using a second delay) or, maybe better, use the same delayed trigger to also trigger the ramp generator.

  • Thanks @aleyas

    I tried to reproduce your patch but as soon as I connect the delay to the ADSR env all I hear is clicks. I must be doing something wrong, I still freeze at some basic modular thinking



  • Thanks @Gravitas for the complementary info.

    So far, 2 mistakes I did and other suggestions made me hear 4 interesting patches, all good 😌

  • Thank you @rs2000

    mmm your reply I will need to study for a bit as I don’t speak that patching language as well as I’d like ;)

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  • edited June 2021

    Hey, even children need years to learn a language.

    Take note of the signal colors in the patch screenshot that @aleyas posted. They tell you something about which module the port is connected to.

    If you only hear clicks instead of audio, one audio processing module seems to get its input from a gate signal instead of the audio output of a previous module. Tap on the input and re-connect it to the correct audio output.

  • Hi @number37

    in fact your idea works for the delay, provided you put amount to minimum and not to maximum, I just tweaked it by mistake but it sounded exactly like what I had in mind

    Thanks for that!

  • Thanks @rs2000

    i duplicated the patch successfully : my mistake was that the adsr envelope gate needed to be connected to the MIDI CV.

    only thing is with those settings I hear neither delay, neither the ramp, only a sliding of pitch (kind of portamento at each note)

    however @number37 initial suggestion with the graphic envelope was super close : only need to put the amount to minimum instead of max for it to work

    I’ll keep digging on how to integrate that delay, as I really want to figure it out for other purposes

    thanks to all for the help



  • Sorry for the wrong setting. I was in a hurry and on,y going from memory as to how I had done it earlier. 🙄

  • Still, thank you 😊 - discovered a few things along the way, always good

  • Unless I’m missing something, there is no way to have all and any notes entered in the sequencer quantized to a specified note to an AU instrument? There is the cv quantizer that does exactly what I need but I can’t figure out how to connect that back to midi…

    The case is, Ruismaker is running on track 6. I want to use the Drambo sequencer tracks 4, 5 and 6 to sequence separate tracks of RM. No that works fine, I can use the mutes of the tracks using feedback send and receive, send the midi from the Drambo sequencer to the RM track, playing the RM notes c#2, d#2, f#2 etc. Problem is, after reopening the project, triggering notes with the Drambo track pad always default back to c2, and it can get confusing.


  • edited June 2021

    You can use a number module to enter a specific note #. You'll route the number module's output to the PITCH input of a Midi Note Gen module. The gate and velocity of the Midi Note Gen come from the Midi To CV module. Route the midi from the Midi Note Gen to RM.

    0.010416 = C#2 (midi note 49).

    0.031249 = D#2 (note 51)

    0.062499 = F#2 (note 54)

    You can see in the screenshot that even though the sequencer outputs C2, that because of the number module, an F#2 is produced instead. (the sequencer provides the gates and velocity, while the number provides the pitch)

    Alternatively, you can route a Knob to the pitch input of the Midi Note Gen. Then you can carefully adjust the knob's level until you hit the correct pitch (which you'll verify with the midi monitor).

  • Briljant! Thanks a bunch! This will make a big difference for me :)

  • Awesome :) let me know if you need any other #'s for specific midi pitch values. (or you could use the knob module, which can be a bit easier)

  • edited June 2021

    @frank303 Adding to what @aleyas wrote:

    1: The CV Quantizer is the right tool and here's an example for you to play with (remember that MIDI notes are only sent when the note generator receives a gate pulse). You can change the number by dragging up/down on the number while listening to the pitch.

    2: Track pads always remember the last note you've played on the keyboard for that track.

  • @rs2000 didn't realize the number module allowed sliding to change its value! Great tip =)

  • 👍🏼😊

    It's a fairly recent addition, it wasn't possible before.

  • Great! After fiddling around a bit I figured out the reason for the cv quantizer, it makes it easier to ‘hit’ the right note swiping around the Number module. It’s working, I’m happy and I learned something again :)

    one more thing that I keep thinking about; what is the impact of modules on the workload? While likely hard to define in any exact way in general, the above example. So adding the modules: Number, CV Quantizer and Midi Note Generator to, say 6 channels. What is the impact of that? High or negligible?

  • edited June 2021

    Just chiming in, you could also just use a pitch module as the input for midi generator. detach the pitch module's own pitch input it won't be affected by any inputs on the track.

    suppose you miss out on full range of notes here but no need to mess with numbers. Add an additional pitch module to switch up and down more octaves

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  • edited July 2021

    Is there a way to load a full folder into the sampler rather than dragging each sample one by one?

    edit: found it, doy

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  • Reviving this basic questions thread…

    What is the best way (or is it possible) to…

    select one sound from one layer of a layers mixer in an instrument rack as the sidechain input for another track? (Instead of the main shared output of the instrument rack)

    Example would be having all your drums on one track, individual hits stacked on different layers triggering from single midi notes regions. Selecting only the kick as a side chain input to compressors on other tracks.

    Hopefully that makes sense.


  • edited May 2022

    @no1normal You're probably better off using the Layers rack (not the mixer) and mix its outputs outside the rack. This will give you access to the individual signals.

    Sonce signal routing is always from left to right and from top to down, the signal you're using for side chaining must originate from somewhere before in the chain.

    That means that if you want to be able to side chain any instrument by any other instrument, you'll need to do the processing after all the instruments.

  • @no1normal @rs2000 you can also use the Audio output module in Utility category to send the audio to another track input. It will not reflect the layer mixer level.

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