Auto-save/auto-load confusion (Drambo 2.0)

edited May 2022 in Drambo

Hi all,

I'm really enjoying the 2.0 update, but I noticed some slightly confusing (or unexpected) behaviour with the way Drambo handles auto-save/auto-load projects. It's possible this behaviour was present prior to the update, in which case I've only just noticed it!

(I originally posted the following in the Drambo 2.0 thread on the Audiobus forum, but thought I might get a better response here)


So, I have Drambo 2.0 set to open the auto-saved project on startup, which is the default behaviour.

So let’s say I start a new project -- add some modules etc -- and then save it (let’s call this project “220515 Noodle 01”). After saving the project I force-quit Drambo. The next time I launch Drambo, it appears that my saved project has been automatically re-loaded because all my racks and patterns look the same, and that’s also the exact project name that appears in the header of the file menu (“220515 Noodle 01”)... however it’s NOT my saved project. It’s clearly an autosaved copy of my project, but using the EXACT SAME project name as my saved project!

There are only two indicators that this auto-loaded project is not my actual SAVED project. The first sign is that there is no ‘SAVE’ button in File menu, the only option is ‘SAVE AS’ (see screenshot below). The second sign is that when I saved “220515 Noodle 01” it was inside a “/May/” subfolder, but when I hit SAVE AS on this auto-loaded copy of the project Drambo defaults to the root project path (not my “/May/“ subfolder).

I hope this quite wordy explanation makes sense. I’m worried that this situation could lead to confusion, and potentially duplicate projects with the same name and in the worst case… overwritten projects/lost data.

The potential solution… auto-loaded/auto-saved projects should be named with an “(auto-save)” prefix, so in my case, the auto-loaded project would be called “(auto-save) 220515 Noodle 01”


  • edited May 2022

    Alternatively: When saving a project, after a successful save operation, the "_autosaved" project should be updated to the same project state as well?

  • edited May 2022

    I think i agree. The main point is that working on an auto-saved project should be made more explicit than it currently is.

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