Fix midi takeover please! No one else seems to have this :(
See the following:
Without this it is essentially impossible to use a banked controller like the Launchkontrol XL
See the following:
Without this it is essentially impossible to use a banked controller like the Launchkontrol XL
If there is anyway you could get this implemented you'd be my absolute hero. I've tried pretty much every other option on iOS that is worth jamming with and absolutely nothing seems to support it including AUM
Fixing (on beta so far)
Thank you! Like I said, no one seems to implement this.
Any chance I can get beta access to test things out?
coool! where do we get the beta?
It's a closed beta. Please be patient.
Hello, I'm curious if there's been any progress on this bugfix and its associated update. I recently got a Launchkey 49 and was a little disappointed to see Takeover Mode did not work in Drambo. Otherwise having a pretty good time with this hardware/software combo, so would be great if this could be implemented.
Yes there is, and the release has been delayed much more than expected, for a number of good reasons.
It will happen. And thanks for being patient.
With the new update, anyone tried the midi takeover yet? As I understand, when selected this should allow for smooth takeover of a mapped parameter when the midi controller values don't match the drambo parameter. It (still) doesn't seem to work that way for me. The mapped parameter jumps to the midi controllers position when manipulated and the drambo parameter is in a different position.
Am I doing something wrong?
It does work for me. Just making sure: do you have takeover mode enabled in settings?
Yes. I do use a bit of a hack so could be that. As my controller doesn't have a easy way to send midi on different channels, the mosaic script freakontrol does that for me with a midi input and feedback module
Now I tried with aum hosting mozaic with freakontrol, midi controller only active in aum. Midi controller to mozaic. Then, midi out of mozaic routed to virtual drambo in the aum midi routing.
In drambo, when I select ch1 in mozaic inside aum, I can assign knobs of the controller via midi learn to knobs in drambo. When I select ch2 in mozaic, I can midi learn inside drambo on ch2. But after assigning, knobs of drambo still jump after changing channels in mozaic.
When you change channels in mozaic, what MIDI messages are sent by mozaic?
I'm traveling and only had my beatstep pro with endless encoders, and a mvave smc mixer without an option to change channels so can't test properly with my launch control that has bank switching. Will see if I can test with the smc mixer changing channels in the software.
As for with mozaic I set the freakontrol to use cc's with the knob. The midi monitor shows the correct channels sent out, so when I select ch 2 in mozaic, the cc is sent on ch2, when I select ch3 it sends ch3. So when I assign a slider to cc1 ch1 and another slider to cc1 ch2, when I switch channels it works, it moves only the correct slider. Both drambo sliders are moved with the one and the same fader from the smc controller, that only sends out cc1 on ch1. But the values jump.
Made a short video if that helps to explain it.
Not working for me either. I see no difference with the Midi takeover setting turned on vs having it off.
I’m using an Akai Mpk Mini MK3, with the default MPC program mode which sends absolute Midi CC to channel 1.
Takeover is working for me with Korg NanoKEY Studio which is sending absolute midi CC. Works on any midi channels I've tried.
@frank303 - I tried to set up a test environment like yours with the midi input and midi feedback, plus a mozaic instance to change the channels. I couldn't make it work to move knobs or sliders based on the altered channels coming from Mozaic. I know the Mozaic script is working, so I assume there's something about the routing that I'm missing.
There's something about the midi routing that seems to be bypassing the pickup mode. That's what I'd like to try to narrow down.
Have you considered doing the channel change outside of Drambo so that it arrives on the right channel? Maybe with something like MidiFire or KQ Midi Modulate? I know it would be preferable to have the channel switch happen from a plugin window though rather than through an external app though, so I get it if that's not a good option.
I think @Sidonai10 's issue has to be a different because takeover mode seems to be functional from a straight up hardware controller. So, keeping that one separate from yours in my own head anyway ...
@frank303 @number37 we can set the midi channel or even change the midi input channel for midi devices now.
Go into settings and switch off the midi input (Track/Control/clock) for the midi controller.
Open up the Module menu
under Midi you will find Midi input, Midi Filter and Midi output modules.
Midi input select the midi controller
Midi filter select set midi channel (which can be modulated)
Midi output select the midi feedback port
Now you can change the midi channel for your midi device.
I normlly place these three modules on the Main Track.
@gravitas - does that work for midi learn from the hardware though? I think that's the goal here and checking whether pickup works in that situation is the thing that needs to be tested here. Unless I'm misunderstanding. The thread has become a bit confusing to me.
Yup, It works for midi learn from the hardware.
Yup, this thread has become a little confusing for me also, I added the Midi input thing because of Frank303's issues.
Thanks @gravitas - I'm off to do some testing then...
Have fun. ;)
Alright. I haven't many controllers at the moment while not at home, so can only test with my smc controller and a modal craft synth (that also sends midi out I recently found out, for all 12 knobs plus the two shift functions so 36 knobs 😁)
Your solution for the changing of midi channels works fine, mich better as adding another plug-in like mozaic, thanks for that!
But, still midi takeover is not working for me that way... The assigned knob or slider still jumps after switching.
Have midi takeover on. Controller disabled in the setting menu, track, control and clock are not selected. Midi feedback has control selected. Midi input module set to receive from controller. Then channel filter, then midi output set to midi feedback.
No problem.
Okay I'm tagging @giku in for this.