How to output multiple waveforms from an oscilator

Hi, new kid in the block! Have been using dRambo for a while now, mainly as a sampler mangler, and have been loving every bit of it. First post here :)

I am trying to build a synth with a waveform mixer, similar to those of the SH101 or Microbrute but I am having trouble finding a way of outputting all waveforms from one single oscilator. Is there any wizardy way of doing so by maybe using splitters, layers or any other secret method?

Thanks in advance !



  • edited August 2024

    connect saw to graphic shaper

    draw wanted shape(s) (here "pulsed saw" & square)

    mix together again

    result: different waveforms from same osc that are in phase with each other (that don't cancel each other) ... / "super impose on each other"

  • Wow

    Would have never thought of this method. This tool is amazing

    Thank you so much

  • edited August 2024


    (i messed up the zip, there is stuff on the other channels and the master that needs to be erased), anyway you get what is going on)

  • Yeah , no problem, I can see how I could easily build something very cool with this and even expand from just the basic four waveforms. Lovely :)

  • edited August 2024

    Yes, the Graphic Shaper is an infinitely useful module! Make sure you disable the anti-aliasing filter in the oscillator to get a clean sawtooth.

    The "Switch N-1" can crossfade between multiple inputs (i.e. waveforms) if you need that. Add a slider before it and connect the N-1 Index input to the slider.

  • I have already built a nice setup with a knob controlling a N-1 switch and an LFO moving around the waveforms, also been playing with a sample n h hold that gets triggered on each note so every note has a different waveform, also setting up crossfaders, mixers ,etc sooo much fun... This setup is super nice BUUUUT would there be a way of having an actual PW control for the square output? Also some sort of PWM. Also trying to generate something similar to a sine, but besides filtering a triangle I havent had much luck (I know this method has been used in "proper" analog synths, so not too mad about it)

    I am now building something similar to a PerFourmer but with this multiwave option and having such a good time :)

  • @paosciante

    Who would have thought - try yet another Graphic Shaper 😄

    Also, the Wavetable Oscillator has a PWM Wave Effect available (plus many more), that's another great playground.

    The WT OSC can load Serum wavetables by the way.

  • Uhhhm not sure if I understand the screenshot. The first Graphic Shaper has anything to do with trying to get PWM or is just showing an extra waveform? I am using the Scale pot on the Graphic where I drew the square wave, but its very steppy and does not sound like classic PWM.


  • I'd honestly just feed all the individual oscillators (PWM with modulation, SAW, TRI, SINE) thru a X-1 module or a mixer.

    Using multiple oscillators would also add a bit more flexibility like sync between oscillators or fm, ring mod (multiply two oscillators) etc.

    Another option is as mentioned to explore the WaveTable oscillator which is totally nuts when adding multiple wave-effect modules to shape the sound.

  • edited September 2024

    @paosciante The first Graphic Shaper has a bezier curve that you can easily re-shape by dragging up or down in the curve editor.

    This will let you adjust the pulse width easily.

  • edited September 2024

    you get PWM by modulating the incoming level into the graphic shaper ;)

    @paosciante @rs2000

  • edited September 2024

    I suggest to try this with crazier shapes 😁 😎

  • edited September 2024

    Sounds nice. Sinewave PWM 😋

  • edited September 2024

    the Moog "shark wave" is 75% saw +25% triangle btw.

    with the classic waveforms its pretty simple ... add sine to get more fundamental/ add triangle to get more beef ...

  • edited September 2024

    ok, so let add an subosc from the same osc 😁

    put the saw in the clock/pulse divider and get a square octaves below 🤗

    mix to taste

  • That's the Boss Octaver pedal principle.

  • edited September 2024

    its the cheapest way to get a subosc without actually having another osc ;) 😆

    its clever :)

    I think its used all over the place ;)

    if its a single "fader"/ button to mix in square sub its probably this ;)

  • This thread is fun! Nice work everyone 👍

  • Yes, I am loving this. I still have trouble drawing stuff on the Graphic Shaper hehe, but I am actually coming out with funky waves due to this. Still need to play around with this, hope to get some free time this afternoon.


  • edited September 2024

    by the way this is how the old polyphonic monsters work

    12 osc each pitched - so its every note of the keyboard ...

    all the other notes of the keyboard

    are just 1 octave below, 2 octaves below, 3 octaves below ect.

    you see

    its all just a clever combo of saw, clock divide, and wave shaper (to reshape the square) ;) 👽️

    I wonder what trickery they are doing to do that 🤷🏻‍♂️(reshape the square)

  • edited September 2024

    I guess its some radio stuff I know nothing about 😋 - transform square into sine/cosine/triangle? (one of those 3) how? @giku

    I guess it's some special filter we dont have?

    it must be something really basic and doable with grandpas electronics 🤔

    transform 010101010 to sine

    what's the trick here? @giku

  • edited September 2024


    here is the triangle an octave below 😁

    drambo certainly teaches me a lot about waveforms 😎

    took me forever to figure this out, 😂

    its so simple 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • edited September 2024

    the slew is the trick that took me so long to figure out ;)

    the filter does the rest ...

    See I put saw into the clock divider get square out ( octave lower) and make it saw again with the slew 🤗

    this is really advanced waveform dance nobody tells you about 😀

    but we have drambo to figure it out 😎

    saw subosc

  • edited September 2024


    I know you dont see well, hope this works for you.

  • I can zoom the screen when needed (got a 27" 4K screen on the desktop) :)

    Both the slew limiter and pulse divider are modules I've played around with a lot.

    As for modulation sources I love to run stepped modulation sequences thru either a low-pass filter or slew limiter to add slides between the steps, plenty of fun for experimentation.

    Also a simple all-pass filter can alter the shape of the waveform which is mostly 'inaudible' but when used as a modulation source it makes a huge difference especially at slower frequencies.

    As some might remember I love to 'draw' my oscillator shapes even when the results mostly sound like harsh bleeps and bloops but when they are used to control parameters the difference is clearly noticeable.

    Cheers and thanks for the consideration regarding my f*ked up eye-sight 😎

  • I love the slew module to make things wobbly, never thought about that particular usage but makes perfect sense

    btw @lala you’re on fire lately 👍

  • Unrelated but do you guys get that thing when you’re trying to tag someone and the comment box just disappears after you press the @?

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