And Now for Something Completely Different: an I Ching generator

edited November 2024 in Presets and projects



Well, because. I’ve been studying the I Ching for over 3 decades, it is a great introspection tool and a real book of knowledge. It’s the book of changes, and learning to accept and live (and grow) with life’s changes is the greatest knowledge of all. The only certainty about life is that it changes 🀷🏻‍♂️

I did my 1st i ching app back on pyS60. FF to 2016 I did a pythonista version, with all info, clickable characters for meaning, etc. Worked great until I upgraded phone. Then the throw of the coins part stopped working (basically a game loop with simple vector graphics) and I don’t feel like fixing it for now (might as well rewrite it as a webapp or something)

Anyway it still works perfectly for the reading of the texts, the full database of translations I have in there, just not the casting of an hexagram part.

So I thought, why not build an hexagram caster in drambo?

Turned out to be a great learning experience 


Press a pad, or the Chinese character for “change” (ζ˜“) to have the lines of the hexagram appearing 

If you’re actually using it to perform a reading, there’s two empty taps first cause I can’t figure how to use the shift register like it only had 6 registers. But never mind, don’t look at the screen, keep tapping until you feel that’s it. Then read your hexagram lines 6 to 1 descending (the hexagram is cast from the bottom up, so first line you draw, will shift to the 6th position on the further right and should be the bottom line of your hexagram)

If you feel like it, try asking a question, post a screenshot of the result and I’ll provide the texts with the interpretation (works better if you take it seriously, but of course there’s nothing magical about it, it’s just a brain teaser)

Feel free to change what’s inside the “Sound” rack

I wanted it to do chords, I fear I’m not using that many to poly correctly, but that’s what I got so far

There’s also some help I could use with the reset button, that currently does nothing. It’s supposed to set all 8 of the shift register values to 0, but I tried several things and there must be a simple solution I’m missing

Anyway, hope you enjoy, and any suggestions for improvement are welcome 


  • Two snippets of information for you:

    cause I can’t figure how to use the shift register like it only had 6 registers

    Just use buckets 1..6

    There’s also some help I could use with the reset button, that currently does nothing. It’s supposed to set all 8 of the shift register values to 0

    There is no reset (I've asked for it but it just didn't happen).

    All you can do is shift value 0 through all the buckets.

  • edited November 2024

    That’s what I suspected, thanks

    but about the 6 buckets, that’s what I am doing, should I use 3-8 instead of 1-6? Nevermind I’ll try (will still need two phantom taps I guess?)

    About sending 8 zeros to reset, what would you use? Let me guess: a graphic shaper? How to make it one-shot like receive a gate send out 8 zeros? It’s more of a hassle because I have to OR all inputs of the SR but could use help with a simple gate to burst of 8 zeros

    PS: being used to your user image for so long it throws me off now that you changed it πŸ˜‚ not that I don’t like it it’s just like “who are you and what have you done to @rs2000

  • edited December 2024

    This is a poc for the reset feature of the shift register. But although using scopes it shows it’s receiving the data, I can’t get the output right. Gate is always 1, if I press the reset button it sends a burst against it. Can’t find what I’m doing wrong

    Any help appreciated πŸ™

    edit: holy shit, now that I downloaded my own project it works

  • No worries @pedro, I'm still the same, just replaced that somewhat boring avatar πŸ˜„

    Will look at it later. Yes, the SR's simplicity requires quite a number of workarounds and when you've done it, the SR contents will still be lost when loading the project again.

  • edited December 2024

    OK, back to your project @pedro, I see two things that need fixes:

    • Make sure your gate signal always goes down to zero or below, not 0.01
    • If you want to clear the SR by filling it with zeroes, don't add the random number to zero but maybe use a switch that switches the SR Data input to zero while the reset train is running

  • Thanks, and 1st of all, who am I to comment on your “brand” but it wasn’t boring at all, at least for me πŸ˜… anyway good for you

    And about the SR this isn’t my first rodeo, it just proves challenging once more, maybe @giku could show it some love when he can spare the time

    Reset button would be nice, as well as saving states.

    But moving forward, how better to monitor it? You can inspect each bucket and Ive done it so many times. Even tried using many to poly and watching it as a poly signal. But maybe I should check it better, unless there’s a better way to “debug” it

    This seemingly simple project has been quite the learning experience. Out of my comfort zone. Halp

  • Nice @pedro!

    I used the Amp module (8 of them) to monitor the SR buckets. I've asked @giku for a slim bar graph display a few times but Amp is all we have.

  • I’m rebuilding with the reset module and your monitoring ideas. Will post back if I don’t break the fabric of reality in the meantime

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