Drambo version visibility

Please add the current Drambo version to the main hamburger menu, maybe in an "About" item. This would be useful for people testing/experiencing problems. Currently it's only visible in iPad Storage, but that's inconvenient since items are ordered by storage size.


  • edited October 2020

    Nice to have but not really a problem

    if you open TestFlight it tells you to get new build if u aren’t on current build

    same in AppStore ...

    if you aren’t on current version the 1st thing you get told is to get current version as things maybe fixed already

  • edited October 2020

    ...or new bugs introduced...

    Not a problem for beta testers, of course. But could be helpful for ordinary users experiencing difficulty.

    I made the suggestion after seeing this [post](https://forum.audiob.us/discussion/comment/857101/#Comment_857101) from a user who updated apparently unsuccessfully. There is no straightforward way to confirm that you're running the updated app.

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