"Silent" step insert - on the fly pattern variation

I could be wrong but it seems like there's no way to insert a step and set its pitch without triggering your instrument. It would be a cool performance feature.

It could be tethered to "TRIG" switch or by making "MIDI NOTE" pitch field scrollable.


  • @TheInvisibleMan

    Correct, no sound is triggered when adding steps (while seq running), but afaik there is no way to set pitch without triggering your instrument - the built in keyboard is always triggering sound.

  • By tethered to "TRIG" I mean when "TRIG" disabled the keyboard would stop triggering (like pads do) only used to set pitch.

  • 2 ways:

    • If you hold an emtpy step and change parameter, a trigless (p-lock) only trig is created. You can p-lock transpose module to change pitch
    • Overlapping steps. If Retrigger option in track menu is disabled, gate is not retriggered
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