Scene condition - additional modes

ATM scene condition kicks in at 50% of the fader position, additional 0% and 100% modes would greatly improve transition flexibility.


  • I'd suggest to be able to draw a curve that determines how the crossfader affects p-locks and note velocities.

    Current behavior: Hard switch at 50%.

    Suggested feature: You can draw a curve that will affect the note velocities.

    A rectangle with 0..50%=0 and 50-100% = 1 will reflect the current behavior,

    A rising sawtooth will allow for a smooth transition, other curves like in the Graphic Shaper allow for defining any arbitrary behavior.

  • @rs2000

    Sure, for the fader in general adjustable curve would be ideal.

    But in the context of scene condition a 3way option would suffice, so one could decide if scene condition kicks in at the beginning, during or end of transition.

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