Euclidean triplets



  • edited February 16

    Trying to squeeze yet another gate out of the euclidean, I tried to extract the accents. I think my design isn’t very elegant, basically I’m offsetting velocity down so it crosses zero, and from that triggering a pulse.

    Any improvement suggestions?

    Works as far as I don’t set steps/fills/accents too high. Theiy also need to be on a “golden ratio” relationship hence the morph so they scale together (I plan to use lookup tables later)

    The 3 gates are just triggering the kick/hat/snare stock instruments’ respective gates

    This could as well trigger randomized synths and effects, for crazy krell-core bangers

  • edited February 16

    Your approach looks quite efficient already.

    A slightly different one that also shows both extracted gates as VU meters:

    Edit: I missed a Gate inverter attached to the MIDI2CV gate output and a 3rd Amp module...

  • edited February 16

    Ah, ok, that’s even better as there is normal and accented signals.

    I’m kinda of throwing the clay at the wall and seeing what sticks. I’m gonna toy with this idea, thanks!

    edit: I can’t try now, but you have .5 and 1. comparing velocity? Or gate. Because if V that depends on the acc.vel doesn’t it? Needs tuning if you change the knob

    and you mention the gate inverter but that triggers when signal crosses zero down, not up. At least I couldn’t get it to work when I tried before (must be my error)

    But I haven’t tried implementing yet, this is just from the picture

  • edited February 16

    Yes I'm comparing to velocity and tuning accent velocity wouldn't make any sense in this scenario, would it?

    and you mention the gate inverter but that triggers when signal crosses zero down, not up.

    Yes, in order to get a third trigger from an empty range of sequencer steps. I've added an AHD envelope for testing and limiting Note-on time.

    You could fire inverted gate triggers for each empty step in succession by adding a clock generator to the equation.

  • I meant tuning as in if I change accent velocity those ranges wouldn’t be right anymore, but it’s aloways 0 to 1, so my mistake. I should do my math 😅

  • Lookup tables, sort of… well manually selectable numbers instead of turning knobs

    Press the switches to change steps/fills accordingly. Only a test haven’t build all buttons yet (and totally stolen from here) but it works and I think I’m finally getting this 😅

  • are there .other way to implement lookup tables that modulate the euclidean steps/fill/accents?

    I know the answer is graphic something :)

    How do I make those buttons pull specific values to modulate the knobs?

  • I think I went a little crazy with this one

  • Nice! Great collection of sounds and good to auto-demo them.

    To answer your question: We have a "Number" module.

  • @rs2000 thanks but just to be clear, none of those sounds are mine, they’re factory presets

    As for my question, there is a number module? 😮😜

    but seriously, the buttons or knobs module seem more appropriate for what I had in mind if only for compactness. I have been trying other ideas, so I haven’t put much effort into this lookup table thing , cause maybe I don’t even need it

  • edited February 24

    my project has a flaw (they usually do, actually one of many): it’s too fast to change presets.

    This approach is much more pleasing (you have time to hear the preset)

    Suggestion: turn metronome ON 🤘

    CPU doesn’t even break a sweat

    ALL HAIL @GIKU !!!

  • edited February 24

    @pedro Buttons can also have positive floating point values, and an on/off switch comes with each for free 😉

  • edited February 24

    That’s my favorite for designs that need sets of values (I learned that technique from you).

    All good for now, thanks. I’m working on some “autodrums” to go with my “autobass”. I had some designs but I’m revising my ideas from scratch.

    Feels like I’m cheating by doing “songs” that don’t have a single note on the sequencer, but my goal is to integrate the generative part with live playing, and Drambo makes it really easy cause there’s always a “dry” midi path also available

  • Another one of my favorites is the Arp module, especially using the "as played" and random modes, a great playground for melodies from chords.

  • edited February 24

    I haven’t used the arp module in my life 🤦‍♂️

    So many modules… so little time…

    edit: but now I’m going to have to see where the arp module fits in my project. It’s already quirky enough but this might take it to the next level. Gonna have to resync my sleep cycles though

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