Reorganizing my drambo folder and bulk transfer to/from PC

edited June 2023 in How to's

So I've used webdav (WinSCP) several times to backup my drambo folders to PC (windows). No problem.

I also use icloud to store all my projects, so I can access from phone and ipad. This only works for project files, for modules I set them inside a project and then on destination device save the module to appropriate folder. No problem.

What I never tried is going from PC to drambo.

I've been long wanting to reorganize all my drambo projects/modules that are a mess right now.

I also have dozens of projects/modules I've been collecting from patchstorage, that I would like to have there instead of going one by one.

Should I backup to the PC, move all files around as I want, create folders, etc, and then do a clean reinstall of drambo and just transfer in bulk using webdav?

No problem for project files or samples, but will drambo sort out the module files where they go? Or should I guess work first and place them under their specific "Presets" folder?

This is my plan so far... but any words of caution are appreciated. I'll backup first, anyway.


  • I’ve been wanting to do the same thing for a while.

    When I first started using Drambo, I had no idea where things went, as far as “patches” that I downloaded from Patchstorage (some were “project” files, others were actual modules) so my Drambo file area became cluttered quickly as I was downloading everything into the same folder. Especially when combined with all of the projects and stuff that I’ve saved myself.

    Now that I’m a lot more familiar with everything, I’ve learned how to put things where I want them, and made specific folders for things like “Patchstorage modules”, but I still want to do a “CLEAN INSTALL” and start fresh one day. (I’ll let you go first! lol)

    I’ve used the WEBDAV functions to load folders full of wavetables (Serum wavetable files) and a few other things, so I think that would be a viable method of backup retrieval. (key words “I think”)

  • I’ll take one for the team and report back

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