Button to trigger a note.

I’d like to use a single note message and use it to create a chord.

I need to do it by midi learning a button because all pads that I want to use for this on my controller send only on ch 10 and Drambo session is set up each track on own channel.



  • edited June 2023
  • Thanks @rs2000 it works perfectly! Of course. 😊🙏

    While saving the preset I found a similar contraption I’ve already made and likely had had asked you for advice 😅🙄

  • @rs2000 So, the contraption by itself works splendidly but it isn’t working with midi out.

    I’m surprised that I have the midi out module connected to the last midi socket on the chord module yet the latter has no effect on the midi signal. polyphony is more than 1 etc.

    I know everything else is connected correctly between Drambo and the Bleass Voices harmoniser which leads me to believe that the midi out module infacts takes the midi directly from the keyboard and ignores everything in between.

    Is this the case @giku or is this a bug?

  • Ignore me. I’ve just tested the midi out socket and it does receive the chord information. I’ll need to do some homework.

  • User error. Bleass was getting chord information from the controller and not from Drambo. 🙄😇

  • Haha, wonderful, thank you! 😃

    It's also a great demo of Bleass Voices which I was curious about.

  • Great timing with Bleass release as I was spending a small fortune on all those hardware boxes. 😢

    I haven’t compared it Perform VE directly but it feels musical and clear.

    In this video I only used one voice with quite wide stereo spread and that’s quite enough for me. It seems very light on resources too.

  • Cool!

    So by “one voice”, you mean you’re only using the main audio out channel from Bleass Voices, and not any of the other 12 output channels, right?

  • Well, Bleass has 4 modules called voices which are independent. I’m only using 1 of those because it sounds good enough but a lot of modulating and layering can still be done to enrich the sound. Did you get it?

  • I see.

    I did buy it, after seeing Doug’s video and a few others.

    I discovered in Drambo that it has audio “Multi-out” (14 channels even, rather than the normal 8) and found (with only limited testing) that these multi output channels were rather noisy. This may be because of the sounds I was using. More testing is needed.

    Have you tried these “multi-out” channels?

  • Well if you get all of this from one voice then color me intrigued

  • Jakob Haq has posted a Bleass Voices video. Also gets a nice Drambo mention


  • Cool! Watching

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