Is there a way to use the CV sequencer but not in time?

edited August 2023 in How to's

I’m thinking each step mapped to a different parameter, so that you could for instance make a graphic EQ, or just swipeDraw to radically change a patch? Maybe there’s actually a different module that would do the same thing. I’m starting to think about making simple to operate and intuitive noise / drone boxes and looking at other ways besides XY pads to have low friction interactions, so any suggestions on those lines would be ace too…


  • Disconnect main time signal and use an LFO instead as clock source for starters.

  • Cheers @gravitas , I mean more as a random access, or like it’s an array I’m probably looking for moon on stick though. I definitely plan to use them with LFOs as well though… I guess I’m mainly looking to have all the steps outputted at once, but to different channels, but it’s almost certainly not a functionality built into the module as it is, especially as you can vary the number of steps at will…

  • From your description I started thinking along these lines were the CV sequencer or sequencers are

    disconnected from the Main Time signal, an LFO provides the clock instead or dependant upon

    how many CV sequencers you want to use add additional LFO’s or Graphic modulators etc.

    I threw in the Schotastic Generator for the reset because it’s random.

  • They’re definitely interesting ways of modulating the playback of the CV sequencer, I think I’m not explaining myself very well, probably a bit inarticulate after too much other writing :)

    Maybe the best analogy is a graphic equaliser - there’s no module that I could do that kind of thing with that I can see - maybe some combo of graphic shaper and other things maybe?

  • Ahhhh, I see where you’re heading.

    I thought you were thinking about the playback of the sequencer.

    It is doable, @bcrichards put together a step sequencer in another

    thread which I think you could modify for your purposes.

  • I guess what you want is to use the CV Sequencer steps as universal value sliders, right?

    Here's how:

    In this case, I have 8 steps with 8 S&H modules, sampling values from all sequencer steps periodically. You can either use the 8 S&H outputs directly for modulation or, if modulation on certain destinations isn't available, modulate Morph Knobs.

    Want 16 steps? Same principle.

    Cheers 😊

  • Ah cheers, I’ll have a dig in his threads, nice one dude 🤙

  • Oh that’s a clever way round it, I think I can probably figure it out from that 😀

  • Oh, maybe I should explain it a bit.

    Quantize + Diff + FullRect generates pulses for every new sequencer step (0.125 is 1 / (8 steps)). I need these pulses to trigger the correct S&H stage which is selected by th S&H Trig Switch.

    Value Switch gets its data from the CV Sequencer and routes it to the correct S&H stage.

    Both 1-N switches are indexed by the LFO.

  • @Krupa voice number module as time input effectively gives CV sequencer up to sixteen different outputs.

    Use voice selector to break apart these channels, as by default the output is one polyphonic socket

  • Oh, that’s much simpler, I have implemented rs2000 solution already but I’ll give that a go too, nice one 🙏

    im guessing the low pass is just incidentally there in that screen grab?

  • @Krupa yea, low pass just to show how you might use it as an EQ, with voice indexed sequencer module controlling frequency of filter. should be Band pass...

  • Ah, so it’ll instantiate per voice, I just did a sixteen oscillator thing to test it, but made each oscillator separately 😂

    i guess you’d still have to select and mix each voice later at some point though, I’ll investigate…

  • You could enclose it in a rack - poly to mono everything before doing any processing - but yeah, it does interfere with polyphony if you are using it to process signals. On the other side, you use the voice selector module to output the channels to different locations, but then sometimes you have to mono to poly them later on if you are playing a polyphonic patch.

  • Ah, I’d been googling how to get multiple signals out of racks as these weird patches I’m making really benefit from making a lot of the modules disappear once they’re wired up!

  • Oh cool, I can have a second CV sequencer set up this way, connected to an amp in the signal chain and it’s all instantiated along the way…hideous horror organ 🙌

  • Great insights in this thread from @rs2000 and @bcrichards

    Learned a few new approaches for the bag of tricks

  • Yeah definitely useful, I’m not sure I’m getting everything quite right in these two racks, but they’re in the territory I wanted to explore…

  • PS the tracks need 16 voices setting on them to make these work properly

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