MIDI Input Module
I use Drambo with a lot of MIDI hardware. At the moment, I am finding that if I need to route specific MIDI inputs to outputs, with the ability to exclude other stuff that may share the same channel, I have to add tracks to do it. This is not an optimal solution, mainly from track limitations.
Is it possible to get a MIDI Input Module? Kinda like how there's both Audio Input and Output modules atm. It would clean up my Drambo templates bigtime, and I suspect also save some processing power for the iPad.
Thank you.
Have you tried the Track module?
Yep that's what I've been doing. Even if I add a Track module to an existing track, that still goes into the main track count, which I don't want/can't afford.
+1 for a Midi Input module.
I also have the same issues in regards to midi routing.
+1 for a midi input module also.
I use Loopy Pro AU inside Drambo, for that kind of stuff (I'm not aware of any other AU that can intercept midi inputs from inside the host).