Utility - tap time

This is 1st draft of a utility module that might be useful in a lot of different contexts. It creates a time signal (ramp 0-1) that is set by two taps, Start and then Loop. It also has a simple gate sequencer. there is a signal output and gate output. Reset bypasses the outputs (but will still output a gate on start and loop). once it receives start and loop it will revert to sending out a ramp/graphic shaper and sequence.

this makes use of the integrator module with some math provided by @rs2000

I’m seeing all sort of uses for this…modulation, modular tap sequencing, maybe even a looper?


  • Ok, here’s a rudimentary looper. You can record to five different flexis. For only the first loop, use the start button - tap to record, then tap again to stop.

    to overdub on first loop or record to new flexi, hold the overdub button until the gate triggers in the sequencer. Record starts on the gate and stops after length of sequence/ramp signal.

    For new loops after the first loop is active, there is some weird playback issues that I don’t know how to get around, only while recording. I think it’s related to the flexi buffer extending while in scratch mode. I’m sure there’s a work around - maybe we can treat it as a bug and not play scratch mode while recording?

    you can choose which flexi responds to the record/overdub signal with the 1-N module.

    hoping to extend a little bit. Obviously not meant to compete with a native module or functional loopers like Loopy or Enso, just a fun experiment.

  • Fixed the playback bug by rerouting the ramp wave control only when recording first loop for each flexi.

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