Euclidean Logic

For those who are lusting after the euclidean sequencing in the Digitakt II (& Rytm II), I made this Drambo rack does the same euclidean comparison magic. Its actually even more powerful because you can still use Drambo's euclidean accents and note values to make complex rhythms.


  • Nice!

    I've built a similar patch recently, with more non-Eucluidean and (hopefully) more musical patterns inside many Graphic Shapers, to add even more variety and to also add some melodic generative features...

  • Nice one. Simple and efficient.

    @rs2000 sounds intriguing, you are a master of those graphic shapers :) Hope you plan to share as usual.

  • Thanks @bleep! Yea this patch isn't that complicated under the hood, took a bit of thinking to decide on how to handle overlapping notes.

    @rs2000 Yea this boolean approach can be applied to other sequencers to great effect :) I to would love to see what you've cooked up if you decide to post it.

  • Sorry but that's one of the few patches that I won't share because it contains a lot of my personal melody and rhythm styles, kind of a database of my current and former ideas. It's also work in progress, kind of a simplistic AI trained on my own musical ideas with the intent to spit out similar fragments in new combinations.

    I can tell you a little about the method though: Imagine a whole bunch of graphic shapers with shapes that represent certain rhythms and melodies, then swap between them more or less randomly but within the limits of reasonably musical results.

  • I totally get it. I have a few "secret sauce" patches I keep to myself as well :)

  • This video covers much of those “secret sauce” techniques

  • edited May 3

    I updated this rack. It now outputs an additional mod signal that makes it easy to modulate a preset a different sound for euclid 1 vs 2 (this works the same as note/velocity with blending).

    I also added extended gate logic, so now the output gate can be longer than one step.

    New video as well :)

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