Somehow prevent accidental taps on REC in samplers

If I miss the PLAY button in Flexi or any of the other samplers and hit REC instead - I immediately lose the previous sample, loop position and all slices with no possibility of Undo.

Accidentally loosing my work like this has now happened way too often for it to be really ideal... I'd propose that the REC button gets some kind of treatment to prevent accidental press when there's a sample recorded - like long-press, double tap, confirmation "Sure Yes/No". Just moving it away from the PLAY button would be a huge improvement.

Obviously an extended UNDO feature would also solve this but I guess that's a bigger effort.


  • Maybe a one-level undo for sample recording would be an acceptable compromise?

    Too many undo levels regarding the sampler can eat up tremendous amounts of memory, and having to confirm the REC action would be a workflow killer.

    But if Drambo remembered the previously recorded file and made it available for Undo, that could work.

  • Yeah that'd work. Needs some additional cleverness like debouncing taps - ie doesn't loose the undo buffer if I double-tap - and/or not deleting undo buffer if current sample is empty.

    I personally prefer long-press though, it prevents error in a not-too intrusive way.

  • Double tap?

  • edited April 2020

    Hitting REC is time-critical because the recorded waveform cannot be edited.

    Although I'm a fan of such tap actions otherwise, long-press or double-tap to record would make this difficult.

    Like @Peblin said, adding some cleverness that will handle Undo in a way the user expects without accidentally losing a previous recording due to a short buffer that has been recorded accidentally etc. is certainly possible.

  • Hi,

    I have the same problem. Another Idea would be the points where you move the slices on a other position or the transport field under the waveform screen.

    But undo would nevertheless a great idea.

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