Trigless p-lock reset on track without steps/notes

Alright have a track with Rozeta Bassline running into Bassalicious. In 1 specific pattern, I want some parameter of Bassalicious modulated. Mapped the parameter, changed to Plock every step in the settings and I’m able to either hit record and record the modulation, or hold a step and record the modulation.

Now the problem namely when I change pattern, the modulation stays at what I recorded. Probably because the manual says locks reset on next step with a trigger, but the track has no triggers as Bassline provides the input. I can also record a new modulation for the other pattern, but it becomes tedious when I have to do that for every pattern I already have. How to solve this?


  • If you decouple melodic from p-lock sequencing, your best bet might be to place a p-lock at the beginning of the next pattern.

  • Yeah I figured that would be how to do it. It’s just that I like to play patterns not always in order, meaning I’d have to place that plock at every step of every other patter. I’m just using a plock at the last step of the pattern. It changes the modulation in the latter but I’ll carve it down to a creative modulation 😀

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