Search function

edited April 2020 in Feature Wish-lists

A little usability add-on that should make finding modules as fast as possible.

Edit: A simple search field for finding projects by name would be helpful too, I'm already endlessly scrolling through my more than 100 projects 😆

Currently, when you hit "+", you see a static categorized menu with all modules.

New: When you long-tap "+", you get a full-screen module selector:

  • Shows a search field and opens the keyboard for typing
  • While typing, the list of modules is reduced to match the search string
  • Category buttons that describe module features like in the current menu (some modules fit into multiple categories)
  • Category buttons allow for "AND" combination of properties
  • As soon as a category button is hit, the keyboard is removed to see all modules. It appears again when tapping the search field.
  • The search result could be shown as a visual list of matching modules, much like what @tk32 did. This would really help I think because I often remember what a module looks like but not its exact name.


  • edited April 2020


    search would be nice

    I remember the names or know what function I want

    and then I have to look around where is it again

    I keept telling ppl the function module is gone, d´oh

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