Black Metal project and little question

Hello there!

This is a black metal and dark ambient/electronic projet, i made the 2 intro of the 2 first track with Drambo, once again, sooo cool piece of software!!!

And the youtube link if the Bandcamp not working:

The other part ( black metal) is made on Cubasis, for more simplicity of composition.

And the last part of this first Act is made on Sunvox, another great soft!

Don’t hesitate to listen other album, i have use drambo a lot too!!

So, the question now, i’m working on multi flexi layered drone part, but for design it, i need to mute some layer, for working one by one, is there any simple possibility to make a mute module ( i have already do the way of put an amp module on each end of patch and a button in the beginning of layer for muting, but is working on a little number of layer, and i want to use at minimum 8 or 9 layered flexi at the same time.

Maybe an mute module in the future, if is possible?



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  • @rs2000 Thanks, yeah it’s the way a already take hehe, it’s ok for little patch, but for huge, not so haha.

  • Why not not ok for huge patches? Sure, more work but @rs2000 solution works perfect and it’s easy to set up. You can even build a layer with 16 layers only with final modulated amp, and a 16 button before, modulating each respective amp, and save it as a template that you can then use as a start

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