Wave effects audio rate limit
The wave effects seem to have a lower limit to how fast you can modulate them compared to most other modules is that correct? What is that limit exactly?
The wave effects seem to have a lower limit to how fast you can modulate them compared to most other modules is that correct? What is that limit exactly?
It's quite low, somewhere below 50Hz and probably different with each wave effect. Its main purpose is to bring motion into sound, not to do audio rate modulation, which would better be done outside the Wavetable Oscillator.
Cool thanks. I was previously avoiding anything close to audio rate cause I wasn’t sure where it started to fall apart. Im curious, when you feed it a faster signal what exactly happens? Some kind of rounding?
Depending on the processing delay, you'll soon reach an aliasing effect: After the evaluation frequency, the mod freq will go down to zero, then back up, then down to zero again etc etc.
The highest possible modulation frequency is the one that is determined by the length of the effect's processing time.
Turn up the mod frequency slowly until the mod effect returns to zero. Half of that frequency is the "sampling frequency".
How does it handle steppy or squared automation? Can it do an instant jump or does it round to the sampling frequency?
Yes it can do instant jumps, only the modulation frequency is limited.
Not really, p-locking wavetable efects has some smoohing/lag which you sometimes have to work around
Well it's a very short lag and a very short ramp to avoid clicks but yes, it's there.
It’s quite noticeable compared to other modules, definitely not instant changes. Trying to program different drum sounds with p-locks for example gives you sounds that glide into each other instead of instantly switching between different sounds.