MIDI Out with layers?
Hi all,
I’m pretty new to Drambo, so apologies in advance if there is an easy answer that I’ve overlooked.
I’m working on a setup that would ideally have multiple Sequencer objects that are organized in a Layer stack. However, I can’t seem to find a way to get MIDI out of Layer objects. Is there a way? As far as I can tell, the Layer (and Layer Mixer) will only pass CV. I’d like the full MIDI message to pass through OR a way to have DESIGNATED multiple outputs from the Layer object.
Thanks! Loving this software, it’s the answer to a lot of my workflow issues.
Not as yet.
Midi Layers are on route.
Thanks for the reply! I guess I’ll find a compromise for now and patiently await MIDI Layers!
No problem.
What you could do is use either "Rack" which you can find under Utilities
basically it's like Instrument, Processor, Midi Rack rolled into one
or possibly the Voice selector (cv,gate,vel) with Many to Poly.
What are you trying to achieve as I'm sure someone on here will know how to do it or close to.
There's the MIDI 1-N and N-1 switches plus the MIDI rack that lets you hide complexity. Not a replacement for MIDI Layers though.
Thanks again for the replies.
My goal is to use the new sequencer object to store multiple sequences which would be triggered by different keys. However, unless I’ve missed something, each incidence of Sequencer only allows one sequence. So, I’ve used 12 separate Sequence objects to allow for 12 different notes to trigger 12 different sequences.
Visual real estate and ergonomic workflow are important to me, so I figured embedding these into Layers would allow for quick switching between Sequencers, however, I cannot seem to figure out a way to have the objects in Layers send all their data - it seems that layers ultimately only allow one output, so I cannot get Velocity AND Gate AND Note out of the sequences so long as they are in Layers.
But, as I said - I’m new to Drambo so it would not surprise me if there was something obvious I’ve missed out on.
Agreed, MIDI layers would definitely be a better option for switching between sequences.
You can get gate + velocity + cv through layers if you route them first through a ‘Many to Poly’ module. That will wrap all three signals into one poly signal. Outside the layers module you can ‘demultiplex’ the signal with 3 ‘Voice Selector’ modules.
with this method you can route up to 16 signals through a single layer’s output.
Thank you so much!! This was exactly the answer I was looking for. This seems to be doing exactly what I want it to do. The individual V/G/N CV messages get merged into one signal in the layers, and then after leaving the layers, the get unmixed before getting redistributed to a dedicated mixer based on signal type. The end result it that my Rack has 3 outputs; one sends all the V signals for all the layers, one send all the G signals, and, as you guess, one send all the notes for all the layers.
Much appreciated!!
Oh wow that's a great tip! I've used feedback modules to get my additional signals out before, but this is so much better. Definitely stealing this :)
This is great to know thanks!
I’m gonna have to think of ways to use this with the feedback and sequencer modules
This all discussion made me think about using the sequencer module as kind of a lookup table. You can have a 256 step sequence that is actually 16x16 steps rhythm variations concatenated, and then using the offset and the gate mode, dynamically select the portion of the long sequence you want to loop.
This way you could have the variation that people are talking about, like multiple sequencers for fills and merging midi streams, but in this case using a single sequencer.
Gotta explore this idea further, any ideas?
I’m talking about rhythm but can of course be melodic variations. I can load a bach fugue and have it loop selected portions like fugue machine