Logic Circuit Toolbox module collection

This is a collection of binary modules: FlipFlops, ADC, DAC, Counter, Memory and more for LoFi and generative fun.

R/S FlipFlop – Set and Reset FlipFlop.

FlipFlop – Toggles output on clock.

Change Detector – give a pulse when at least one bit changes.

1bit ADC – one bit Analog Digital Converter. Analog output = analog input - comparator threshold (when threshold is reached).

4bit ADC – ditto with four bits.

4bit DAC – Digital Analog Converter. Fast and noisy!

4bit DeNoise – Remove switching noise caused by race conditions.

4bit Indicator – Shows the bits and has a slower, but cleaner DAC output.

4bit Memory – 4 Sample and Holds acting as memory.

4bit Counter – binary counter that can be cascaded.

….more will very likely come…


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