Drambo as Auv3 out of beat sync out with any host
Hello what’s wrong with Drambo in side any host Drambo is misbehaving
it goes out of beat sync out with the host
bar is not syncing with Drambo playing
Drambo is starting only with first beat at any point of host time line no synchronisation
here is the cliphttps://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2jx3v9jyv85zhtdeip2vv/drambo-out-of-beat-sync-with-any-host?rlkey=1mc08iwcnytk6lkhu4pxd4kox&dl=0
I've tried the link and there's no sound.
Can you post up the project as a zip file and a video instead.
I am sharing one more video where you can see in cubasis 3 Drambo clip is playing out of sync with its host cubasis play position
Cubasis playing position are differents but clip start on first beat
Clip should follow the host playing position
If clip length is one bar it should follow one bar of host playing position and if clip length is 2 bar it follow two bar host playing position and further should be same
Please guide and help if I am wrong to under stand Drambo
Here is project Drambo clip out of sync with host playing position
TThanks for posting the project.
Hmmm, it works perfectly here as long as I start Cubasis from a proper bar position.
There is no clearly defined relation between position in a linear DAW (Cubasis) and position in a pattern based DAW (Drambo) so that's what I would expect and want to happen.