Presets module for Instrument rack / Processor rack
We can save intrument rack or processor rack as such into standard presets browser. Every such preset is basically snapshot of whole instrument. So if i create let's say some synth as instrument rack, then every it's state (preset) i save, is independent from rest. Which is in many cases good thing, but in some cases also not that much.
If i change some routing in rack (let's assime it is not completely breaking functionalit but just some fine tuning) and i want still keep all presets (accepting that they may sound a bit different), there is no other way than iterate through all of them and do the change in every one of them.
Now. Imagine module "Presets". When created insice Instrument rack of Processor rack (it may work same way like FX modules for WT synth) it will allow to save whole spanshot state of rack as internal preset in preset list within that module .. allowing basic browsing through list, loading preset, deleting preset. Nothikng fancy, just select, with left/right arrows, some + icon for save new, pencil for rename, trashbin for delete.
Would be also amazing for better distrinution of instruments, casue often creating instrument is one thing, but then creating bunch of sounds with it and distribute them is other thing (which leads me to another nice feature - and that would be if that module will be able to improt/export presets, ideally as zip file or worst case as some txt /xml/json format - anything which internally Drambo uses for saving presets.
Main caveat is that if i save some preset into such preset module, and then i change rack structure, then preset may be not that relevant anymore. I think this is not needed to be solved in some complicated way - in such case parameters from preset which can be loaded will be loaded, rest will be just omitted.. Ideally such preset should be marked red or somehow in list, to seee that it may be not completely relevant to current structure of instrument.
If all it did was load presets from a folder that would be amazing. I’d be fine managing if presets lose “relevance”
That's how presets work in racks that support them.
But yes, like @dendy requested, presets vs. snapshots could be improved and there have been a number of discussions about the subject before. @giku is aware of it.
A workaround providing snapshots could be to use the 16 available scenes for that purpose. If you don't wanna give up scenes in your project for that purpose then just host the Drambo AUv3 plugin inside Drambo.
Using scenes will also let you "morph" gradually between any two preset snapshots which is not a bad thing 😉
problem is, scenes works just within one project.. this is more about loading instrument in any project and have it together with all it’s presets ..
We need more Gikus. At least two, or rather more of them. Too much festure requests in this category to implement for one Giku 😂😂
While on the topic of presets, I have a question.
You know the little “bullet list” symbol on the right of the modules list? I always thought it meant the module was preset-enabled. I assume that’s the intent
Thing is, if you go into it, every module is preset enabled. And I have been keeping a module list with every release, and the little icon has been changing (appears in some modules, disappears from others).
And some modules make no sense to me. I can understand a number or graphic module benefiting from presets, but why the invert module, for example?
I understand the icon’s usefulness as a shortcut to load a specific preset, but is there some other logic to this that I’m missing?
And what about the shift register preset saving (and state saving with project), has that issue been solved? I should try myself, but has anyone already?
At least you can have more Drambos, each with their own 16 scenes, by loading separate AUv3 instances 😊
@rs2000 when you say “the 16 available scenes”, you’re making me question myself on whether or not I even know what a “scene” is.
There’s only 16?
when you enable fader, there are A and B buttons on left/right side .. during it is pressed, look at buttons A B C D E F …. above .. those are scenes.. by holding one of buttons on left or right side of fader and tap on one of 16 scenes you assign that scene to button .. then you can smooth´y transition from one scene to other scene by fader
scene can hold parameter tweaks. by holding left or right button, and tweaking ANY knob, you define value of that knob within that scene, then using fader you can slide to other scene with saved completely different tweaks of knobs - do xou can do massive morhing between different set of parameters
what I meant was if there was a way to automate or p-lock preset loading from a folder it would be awesome.
Oh, those scenes lol
I totally thought he was talking about the rows of patterns. I think Ableton users call those “scenes”.
True.. ableton scenes are called patterns in Drambo (which is much better name imho :-)).
Whole scenes/crossfader feature (and p-locks) was inspired by Ekektron Octatrack, where it is called “scenes” tooo
Speaking about Elektron features… I just wisch giku adds insane feature he mentioned in other thread - layers-like module with ability to set CPU-inactive other than currently playing layer - that would basically make possibke elektron’s SOUND locks (different preset/sound on every step) of sequencer - this is where REAL fun begins :)
That would be useful indeed!
@dendy How much sample memory do you have available per project in the Elektron boxes? is Octatrack different from its smaller brothers?
Pre-loading a certain set of samples into RAM could be an option for Drambo.
80 MB for flex machines and record buffers (reccord buffer is like more advanced version of Drambo’s track recorder)
static machine streams firectly from flash card.
btw another use case of that module would be freeze (to save CPU) while still preserving original instrument in project .. imagine - you have CPU heavy insteument in project - so you just record loop and then you switch to other layer where you have just sampler playing that loop - original instrument wozld keep idle, not consuming CPU
that way you can anytime switch back to original insteument, retweak, record again, switch back to “loop player” layer, load new loop .. CPU saved ...
That module would be absolutely major improvement..