3 crashes
Crash 1
- start an empty project
- go to rack vieuw on the right upper hand
- add an 'AN kick' or any module with automatable parameters
- try to add an automation lane
- crash occurs (only in rack vieuw mode)
Crash 2
- open up piano roll
- scroll all the way to the right until you see a black space
- click on the black space
- crash occurs
Crash 3
- open Drambo on an external monitor (when you get a much wider screen then on an iPad)
- when in clip launching vieuw and when the play/rec buttons are all the way down, clicking on the space exactly in between and outside of the Drambo window causes a crash.
Just wanted to point these out as the autosave doesn't always catch up with what I'm doing and sometimes I loose spontaneous ideas that way.
First of all, thanks for reporting these!
About crash 1: I cannot reproduce that. If by "rack view", you mean the view showing all racks on one screen then I cannot provoke a crash on my iDevices (and an automation lane cannot be added without a visible sequencer anyway).
About crash 2: I see no black space when scrolling to the right. Adding a note on the rightmost border won't crash my Drambos here either.
About crash 3: Sorry I can't verify, no external monitor here.
thanks for looking in to those as wel!!
@# 1, yes indeed I meant that sort of rack vieuw, I should have mentioned that you ought to be adding automation lane by clicking or double tapping on a parameter where you get the poppup menu and choose 'Add automation track' I wonder if after that - the crash still does/doesn't occur over there?
#2 that's an interesting one, it's the same both on iPad an M2 mac here both on latest OS
ps, I have no idea what happens behind the curtains of re-adjusting Drambo for a wide external monitor and back to the iPad, but I sort of suspect that that might be the cause of the dead speace and that it also somehow remembers it on the iPad after I used the ex.monitor
Fixing them, thanks!
I just came across the first bug also. Glad this is being looked at.