MIDI Note Filter - better scrolling: Higher = UP, Default note C2
Habits die hard. I constantly find myself trying to scroll up, when I want to set a higher note in this module.
A little improvement for the MIDI Note Filter module:
- Please change the scrolling direction so that up scrolling means higher notes.
- Start with the scrolling in the middle of the note range - C3? Instead of using the lowest note.
Scrolling that way would be opposite of every other scrolling behavior of iOS. That would hurt my brain. A lot.
Starting in the middle of the note range would be great though. Or at least, starting from the note shown in the box when you first add the module.
Ideally I'd love to see a dual-spinner kind of thing where you select the note and octave separately. Some apps have that and it saves a shitload of scrolling.
+1 in regards to a dual spinner and in addition selecting the note using midi input.
One vote for a twin spinner and another for midi note doodle jump selection.
I did not realise that this is default scrolling behaviour on iOS. So let’s leave the direction as it is.
And +1 for the twin spinner. Good idea.
It still messes with my logic circuits that you swipe up to scroll down a web page. But Apple decided that's the right way to do it. So there we are. 😂
So, are we scrolling up or down when we go to the bottom of a page?
@catherder - thinking more about your request, I guess all you really mean is reversing the order of the numbers. The "swipe up to move down the list" paradigm wouldn't be broken by that. So my objection isn't really valid.
I think of a list of notes as going from low on top to high on bottom, but actually, on a piano roll it's the opposite. The more I think about it the more sense it makes to me.