The TRACK preset sharing thread

I have been saving track presets and reusing them across projects for a while. It's pretty cool you can save a whole track and reload it elsewhere, I don't even know if everyone realizes that's a possibility. It takes search to find the track module, but that's part of drambo's charm...

Anyway, who would be up for doing a "track module" repository/remix competition here?

To keep it practical, no actual track module sharing (.module), but instead include your track(s) in a project, zip it, and upload here. Then we can save the track(s) preset locally and include in our own projects.

Tracks may contain sequences, modulations, AU chains or whatever. Please include a mention of whatever external apps you used in your chain (if any), so people can know.

But of course, to keep this real, it would preferable to use only stock drambo content (of which there's plenty, samples, instruments, etc) so everyone could enjoy without any external dependencies (and we'd keep attachments to kb only)

Anyone up for it?


  • in case you didn’t know, you can tap the track header in rack view and navigate your track presets as well!

  • edited March 2024

    Well thanks Ben, but that was exactly what I meant we shared: track presets. I dream of a repository of track presets where you could start a project, load 3 bass/drums/lead tracks, and then tweaking the presets of each track till you found your inspirational ground

    edit: tracks could have midi, modulations, etc, the point would be for each to be a sef contained groove, not only instruments alone, or process chains

  • My suggestion: There's a lot of great work on Patchstorage already, mainly projects and rack presets.

    These could all be converted into track presets if anyone is willing to spend the time.

  • Nice suggestion, but I don’t think anyone would be willing to spend the time. And what for?

    I have been doing tracks like a 32 bar drum solo, or a 16 bar bass groove, saving them as presets and then recombining in new projects

    As usual I may have not thought this through before posting

  • edited March 2024

    But taking synths and fx from patchstorage, remixing them into a track with a groove, then sharing here, now that’s what I’m talking about (and what I realize you were suggesting @rs2000, sorry my brain was still in pajamas, it’s freezing out here and this is Portugal)

  • Sorry Pedro - I am not fully understanding how we'd do this. Can you save a track preset with all the midi on the track?

  • I think the point is simply to have a library of track presets (much like instrument rack presets) that you can use as a basis for new compositions, to avoid building everything from scratch or using the same project template over and over again 😉

  • I really thought we could but apparently not. The way it has been working for me is because I have been working with self generating tracks.

    Dang, I should have thought this better

  • Of course you can, if you include one or more Sequencer modules on the track 😉

  • Yeah @rs2000 that’s basically what I’ve been doing except with euclideans but I was totally convinced you could save the track sequencer steps as well

    anyway, maybe there’s a chance for this? No worries, I’m sure one day one of my crazy 4am ideas will take off

  • I’d love to be able to load in a track from another project, including all its clips.

  • Oh strange, I swear we were able to save tracks with their midi in ye olde days.

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