Is there a way to see the complete text of parameters/labels that are large or long?
I’m finding that often things like mapped parameters have names longer that what will fit in a module, so you get something like:
When it’s really
mixer1 output level
mixer2 output level
mixer3output level
as an example
i tried things like long pressing etc hoping the full name would pop up, as well as looking for a way to give params shorter names. So far no luck.
The label on the knob is the name of the module modulating it, so there’s where you change it and it will reflect on the knob (you have to be mindful of screen space and use shorter labels)
Unless I’m misunderstanding and what you want is a different automatic label numbering
I’m not really talking about modulating in this case, I’m referring to the “map” function that allows param to be exposed for view and manipulation in the rack view.
For that you can tap the (n) button and choose from a list, if that helps
Right, but it still shows up truncated in the rack view…
I think he means the resulting text display in the module once mapped.
In this screenshot I’ve mapped Splat to Clats Master Volume and as you can see
Master Volume has been truncated.
I’m used to it but it can get confusing for some users especially
when there’s a selection of parameters that have been mapped.
I see… we’ll have to wait, but there’s no stopping giku
IMO the best compromise would be showing 2 lines of text, moving the upper line a bit closer to the knob and using minimal distance between the two lines so the label visually still belongs to the upper knob.
I’d be happy with something like a long press just showing the full value in a pop up or tool tip type thing…
The name should be included in full length in the knob popover after double-tapping on it.
Apart from that, at least you can see a tick mark next to the MAPped parameter in the AUv3 window.