MPE Bend range

I've noticed some unusual behaviour of bends in MPE mode.

I assume that bend range is 48 semitones, so to bend note G down to F I need to send bend message with value 8192 - round(2 semitones * 8192 / 48) ~= 7851

But when I do so (for any interval) the resulting pitch is little off. If I bend down then the pitch of a bended note is lower, if up — higher.

I know that there is a rounding error but doing the same thing in other apps (SM1 as example) does not give such drastic difference.

What is the cause of this? Is there other formula for getting correct pitch?


  • @giku, maybe you can help with that?

  • edited April 2020

    Hi and sorry about delay... (tons of issues now).

    Thank you for pointing this out. Its been tested with Roli Seaboard and it seemed ok.. but seems I need to double check the code.. There is no other formula.

    How are you testing this?

  • @clowm Ok, found an issue with LSB/MSB bytes decoding in pitch MIDI event decoding and fixed this. It will be available in upcoming update (this week).

    Thank you!

  • @giku, Thank you! I was testing with it with mine homemade app and Geoshred.

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